Avant de rentrer ces commandes, n’oubliez pas de rentrer votre mot de passe admin avec cette commande :
enablecheats votre mot de passe
(Si vous jouez en mode solo il n’est pas nécessaire d’utiliser cette commande)
Pour faire spawn un schéma au lieu d’un item,il faut changer le dernier numéro de la commande en ajoutant le chiffre 1 :
cheat gfi WeaponCrossbow 1 0 1
Pour changer la qualité de l’item, il faudra changer le deuxième numéro de la commande (plus le nombre est grand plus la qualité est grande)
cheat gfi WeaponCrossbow 1 5 0
Nom | Categorie | Commande admin | DLC |
Abeille géante | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bee_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Abeille géante (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/HoneyBee/HoneyBee_Character_BP.HoneyBee_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Abeille géante (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bee/Bee_Character_BP.Bee_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Achatina | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Achatina_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Achatina (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP.Achatina_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Achatina | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Achatina 1 0 0 | ARK |
Achatina irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Achatina irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Achatina/Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant.Achatina_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Aileron de Mégalodon (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaMegalodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Allosaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi AlloSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Allosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Allo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Allosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Allosaurus/Allo_Character_BP.Allo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Allosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Allosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Allosaure-R | Créature | Cheat sdf allo_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Allosaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Volcano_Allo_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Allosaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Volcano_Allosaurus/Volcano_Allo_Character_BP.Volcano_Allo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Allosaure-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Volcanic/Volcano_Allo_Character_BP_Hunt.Volcano_Allo_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Alpha Reaper King Barb | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_ReaperBarb 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Amarberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Amarberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Amargasaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Amarga 1 0 0 | ARK |
Amargasaurus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Amargasaurus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Lost Island |
Amargasaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi AmargaSaddle 1 0 0 | Lost Island |
Ambre gris | Ressources | cheat gfi Ambergris 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ammonite (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ammonite/Ammonite_Character.Ammonite_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ammonite | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Ammonite 1 0 0 | ARK |
Andrewsarchus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Andrewsarchus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Fjordur |
Andrewsarchus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi AndrewsarchusSaddle 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Andrewsarchus | Chibis | cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Andrewsarchus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ancrage pour tyrolienne | Accessoires | cheat gfi Zipline 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Ankylosaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi AnkyloSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ankylosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ankylo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ankylosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP.Ankylo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ankylosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Ankylosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ankylosaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ankylo_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Ankylosaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ankylo/Ankylo_Character_BP_Aberrant.Ankylo_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Ankylosaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Volcano_Ankylo_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ankylosaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Volcano_Ankylosaurus/Volcano_Ankylo_Character_BP.Volcano_Ankylo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Antidote de Lesser | Consommables | cheat gfi CureLow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Appareil photo | Outils | cheat gfi Camera 1 0 0 | ARK |
Araneo | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SpiderSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Aranéo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "SpiderS_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Aranéo | Chibis | cheat gfi Araneo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Aranéo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spider-Small/SpiderS_Character_BP.SpiderS_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Aranéo Brutale (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Bog/SpiderS_Character_BP_Hunt.SpiderS_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Aranéo irradiée | Créature | cheat gmsummon "SpiderS_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Aranéo irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spider-Small/SpiderS_Character_BP_Aberrant.SpiderS_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Arbalète | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponCrossbow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arc | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponBow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arc à poulie | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponCompoundBow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arc de Cupidon | Skin | cheat gfi CupidBow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arc Tek | Armes | Cheat gfi tekbow 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Archaeopteryx | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Archa_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Archaeopteryx (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Archaeopteryx/Archa_Character_BP.Archa_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Archaeopteryx | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Archaeopteryx 1 0 0 | ARK |
Argentavis | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ArgentavisSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Archeon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Archelon_Character_BP_ASA" 150 | ARK |
Archeon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi Archelon_Saddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Argentavis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Argent_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Argentavis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Argentavis/Argent_Character_BP.Argent_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Argentavis | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Argent 1 0 0 | ARK |
Argentavis-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Snow_Argent_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Argentavis-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Snow_Argentavis/Snow_Argent_Character_BP.Snow_Argent_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Argile | Ressources | cheat gfi Clay 1 0 0 | ARK |
Algue | Ressources | cheat gfi Sushi 1 1 0 | ARK |
Sushi | Ressources | cheat gfi TurtleAlgae 1 1 0 | ARK |
Armoire de conservation | Structures | cheat gfi PreservingBin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armoire de stockage Bois | Structures | cheat gfi StorageBox_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de l'Immunisé | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_08 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de la Bête | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_12 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de la Croissance | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_ForestKaiju 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de la Meute | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_02 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de la Ruse | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_11 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de la Sagesse | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_05 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact de Puissance | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_09 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact des Profondeurs | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactAB 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact des Profondeurs | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactSE_02 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact des Ténèbres | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactAB_2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Chaos | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_DesertKaiju 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Chasseur | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_01 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Colosse | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_03 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Destructeur | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactSE_03 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Dévoreur | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_07 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Gardien des Portes | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactSE_01 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du perdu | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactAB_4 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Rôdeur | Artéfacts | cheat gfi ArtifactAB_3 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Seigneur du Ciel | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_06 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Sournois | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_04 1 0 0 | ARK |
Artéfact du Vide | Artéfacts | cheat gfi Artifact_Extinction_IceKaiju 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arthropleura | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ArthroSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Arthropleura | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Arthro_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Arthropleura (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Arthropluera/Arthro_Character_BP.Arthro_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Arthropluera Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Arthropluera/Arthro_Character_BP_Corrupt.Arthro_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Arthropluera irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Arthro_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Arthropluera irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Arthropluera/Arthro_Character_BP_Aberrant.Arthro_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Astrocetus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "SpaceWhale_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Astrocetus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/SpaceWhale/SpaceWhale_Character_BP.SpaceWhale_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Astrocetus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Astrocetus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Astrocetus Brutale (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Lunar/SpaceWhale_Character_BP_Brute.SpaceWhale_Character_BP_Brute'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Astrocetus Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SpaceWhaleSaddle_Tek 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Astrodelphis | Créature | Cheat sdf cedo 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Astrodelphis | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Astrodelphis 1 0 0 | ARK |
Atelier | Structures | cheat gfi AnvilBench 1 0 0 | ARK |
Attache pour moteur de tyrolienne | Skin | cheat gfi ZiplineMotor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Auréole | Skin | cheat gfi ValentineHaloHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Azulberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Azulberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balle de fusil à canon long | Munitions | cheat gfi SimpleRifleBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balle de fusil d'assaut | Munitions | cheat gfi AdvancedRifleBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balle de fusil de précision | Munitions | cheat gfi AdvancedSniperBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balle de pistolet semi-auto | Munitions | cheat gfi AdvancedBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balle de revolver | Munitions | cheat gfi SimpleBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ballustrade Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeRailing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balustrade | Structures | cheat gfi StoneRailing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balustrade | Structures | cheat gfi MetalRailing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balustrade | Structures | cheat gfi TekRailing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Balustrade Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodRailing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Banc Bois | Structures | cheat gfi Furniture_WoodBench 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bancs de poissons perroquet (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/Swarms/MicrobeSwarmChar_BP.MicrobeSwarmChar_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Barbe style Barbichette | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_Goatee 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Dreadlocks | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_Dreadbeard 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Longue barbe frisée | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_CurlyBeard 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Moustache | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_Moustache 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Romantique | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHairstyle_Facial_Romantic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Rouflaquettes | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_MuttonChops 1 0 0 | ARK |
Barbe style Viking | Barbe | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Facial_VikingBeard 1 0 0 | ARK |
Baryonyx | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi BaryonyxSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Baryonyx | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Baryonyx_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Baryonyx (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Baryonyx/Baryonyx_Character_BP.Baryonyx_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Baryonyx | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Baryonyx 1 0 0 | ARK |
Baryonyx irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Baryonyx_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Baryonyx irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Baryonyx/Baryonyx_Character_BP_Aberrant.Baryonyx_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Bas de maillot de bain "Amour jurassique" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_Sauropod 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain "Drôle de couple" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_OddCouple 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain "Nounours" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_BearHug 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain anguille | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_Eels 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain bouée gonflable | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_Float 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain méduse | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_Jellyfish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain Noglin | Skin | cheat GFI Underwear_Noglin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bas de maillot de bain Yeti | Skin | cheat GFI Underwear_Yeti 1 0 0 | ARK |
Base de taxidermie (Grande) | Structures | cheat gfi TaxidermyBase_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Base de taxidermie (Moyenne) | Structures | cheat gfi TaxidermyBase_Medium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Base de taxidermie (Petite) | Structures | cheat gfi TaxidermyBase_Small 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilic | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi BasiliskSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilic | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Basilisk_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Basilic (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Basilisk/Basilisk_Character_BP.Basilisk_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Basilic | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Basilisk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilic (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Basilisk/MegaBasilisk_Character_BP.MegaBasilisk_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Basilic fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_Basilisk_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Basilic fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Basilisk/Ghost_Basilisk_Character_BP.Ghost_Basilisk_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Basilic fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostBasilisk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilic fantôme | Chibis | cheat gfi BasiliskGhost 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilosaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi BasiloSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Basilosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Basilosaurus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Basilosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Basilosaurus/Basilosaurus_Character_BP.Basilosaurus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Basilosaure Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Basilosaurus_Character_BP_Hunt.Basilosaurus_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Basilosaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ocean_Basilosaurus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Basilosaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Ocean_Basilosaurus/Ocean_Basilosaurus_Character_BP.Ocean_Basilosaurus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Bâton lumineux | Armes | cheat gfi GlowStick 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Batterie | Ressources | cheat gfi ChargeBattery 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Baudroie abyssale | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Angler_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Baudroie abyssale | Chibis | cheat gfi AnglerFish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Baudroie abyssale (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/AnglerFish/Angler_Character_BP.Angler_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Baudroie abyssale irradiée | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Angler_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Baudroie abyssale irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/AnglerFish/Angler_Character_BP_Aberrant.Angler_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Bave d'Achatina | Ressources | cheat gfi SnailPaste 1 0 0 | ARK |
Beelzebufo | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ToadSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Beelzebufo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Toad_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Beelzebufo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Toad/Toad_Character_BP.Toad_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Beelzebufo | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Beelzebufo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Beelzebufo irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Toad_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Beelzebufo irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Toad/Toad_Character_BP_Aberrant.Toad_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Bibliotheque Bois | Structures | cheat gfi Bookshelf 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bière | Consommables | cheat gfi Beer 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bile d'Ammonite | Ressources | cheat gfi AmmoniteBlood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Biotoxine | Consommables | cheat gfi JellyVenom 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bloodstalker | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BogSpider_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Bloodstalker (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BogSpider/BogSpider_Character_BP.BogSpider_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Bloodstalker | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_BogSpider 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bloodstalker Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Bog/BogSpider_Character_BP_Hunt.BogSpider_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Bocal d'eau (Plein) | Consommables | cheat gfi WaterJarRefill 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bocal d'eau (Vide) | Consommables | cheat gfi WaterJarCraftable 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bocal de pétrole | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponOilJar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bocal de poix | Armes | cheat gfi Boulder_Fire 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Bois | Ressources | cheat gfi Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bois corrompu | Ressources | cheat gfi CorruptedWood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bois de renne en tissus | Skin | cheat gfi WW_ReindeerAntlersHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bois fongique | Ressources | cheat gfi FungalWood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Boîte de Chocolats | Consommables | cheat gfi ValentinesChocolate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bolas | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponBola 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bolas à chaîne métallique | Armes | cheat gfi ChainBola 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bolas de Noël | Skin | cheat gfi WW_Xmas_Bola 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon au maïs | Consommables | cheat gfi CandyCorn 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon de Thanksgiving | Consommables | cheat gfi TT_Crafted_ThanksgivingCandy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon festif pour dino | Consommables | cheat gfi FestiveDinoCandy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon Saint-Valentin pour Dino | Consommables | cheat gfi ValentinesDinoCandy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon tourbillon d'été | Consommables | cheat gfi Crafted_FourthOfJulyDinoCandy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonbon Variante festif pour dino | Consommables | cheat gfi EasterDinoCandy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet | Skin | cheat gfi TT_BonnetHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet ARK vert | Skin | cheat GFI WinterHatF 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver à boule grise | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatB 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver à boule rouge | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatA 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver à boule violette | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatC 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver HLN-A | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatJ 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver neigeux | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatG 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver Noglin cadeau | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatI 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver Raptor glissant | Skin | cheat gfi WW_WinterHatH 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bonnet d'hiver turquoise | Skin | cheat GFI WinterHatD 1 0 0 | ARK |
Boomerang | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponBoomerang 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi RiotBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes anti-radiation | Armures | cheat gfi HazardSuitBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes Avatar Corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi Gen1AvatartBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes corrompues | Skin | cheat gfi CorruptedBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes d'Homo Deus | Skin | cheat gfi HomoDeusBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes de Camouflage | Armures | cheat gfi GhillieBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticoreBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes du désert | Armures | cheat gfi DesertClothBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes en cuir | Armures | cheat gfi HideBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes Tek | Armures | cheat gfi ekBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouclier Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi TransparentRiotShield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouclier de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticoreShield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouclier en bois | Armures | cheat gfi WoodShield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouclier en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalShield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouclier Tek | Armures | cheat gfi ShieldTek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouillon de cactus | Consommables | cheat gfi CactusBuffSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouillon de connaissance | Consommables | cheat gfi TheHorn 1 0 0 | ARK |
Boulet de canon | Munitions | cheat gfi CannonBall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Boulet renforcé | Munitions | cheat gfi Boulder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bousier | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DungBeetle_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Bousier (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/DungBeetle/DungBeetle_Character_BP.DungBeetle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Bousier irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Bousier irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/DungBeetle/DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant.DungBeetle_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Boussole | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponCompass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bouteille de Plongée | Armures | cheat gfi ScubaShirt_SuitWithTank 1 0 0 | ARK |
Brachiosaure | Skin | cheat gfi Brachiosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Branchages | Ressources | cheat gfi Thatch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bras de Carnotaure (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaCarno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bras de Tyrannosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Rex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Breuvage énergétique | Consommables | cheat gfi StaminaSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Breuvage médicinal | Consommables | cheat gfi HealSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bronto | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SauroSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bronto Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SauroSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bronto-R | Créature | Cheat sdf sauropod_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Brontosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sauropod_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Brontosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sauropod/Sauropod_Character_BP.Sauropod_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Brontosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Bronto 1 0 0 | ARK |
Brontosaure Horrible | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweaterBronto 1 0 0 | ARK |
Brontosaure squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneSauro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Brontosaure squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Sauropod_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Brontosaure squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sauropod/Bone_Sauropod_Character_BP.Bone_Sauropod_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Brontosaure squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Bronto_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Broodmother | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_BroodMother 1 0 0 | ARK |
Broodmother Lysrix (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spider-Large/SpiderL_Character_BP.SpiderL_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Broyeur industriel | Structures | cheat gfi Grinder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bulbdog | Créature | cheat gmsummon "LanternPug_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Bulbdog (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/LanternPug/LanternPug_Character_BP.LanternPug_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Bulbdog | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Bulbdog 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bulbdog effrayant | Chibis | cheat gfi Bulbdog_Pumpkin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bulbdog vert | Chibis | cheat gfi Bulbdog_FestiveG 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bulbdog rouge | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Bulbdog_FestiveR 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bulbdog fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_LanternPug_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Bulbdog fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/LanternPug/Ghost_LanternPug_Character_BP.Ghost_LanternPug_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Bulbdog fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostLanternPug 1 0 0 | ARK |
Câble électrique d'intersection | Structures | cheat gfi PowerCableIntersection 1 0 0 | ARK |
Câble électrique flexible | Structures | cheat gfi PowerCableIntersection 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cable électrique Horizontal | Structures | cheat gfi PowerCableStraight 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cable électrique incliné | Structures | cheat gfi PowerCableIncline 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cable électrique vertical | Structures | cheat gfi PowerCableVertical 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de Dino-Trappe Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeCeilingWithDoorWay_Giant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de fenêtre | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWallWithWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de fenêtre | Structures | cheat gfi TekWallWithWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de fenêtre en Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWallWithWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de fenêtre en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWallWithWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de fenêtre en fenetre | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWallWithWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte | Structures | cheat gfi TekWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Adobe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoorframe_Greenhouse 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte en Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte en Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de porte en Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchWallWithDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de trappe | Structures | cheat gfi StoneCeilingWithTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de trappe | Structures | cheat gfi MetalCeilingWithTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de trappe | Structures | cheat gfi TekCeilingWithTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de trappe Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeCeilingWithTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre de Trappe Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodCeilingWithTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte | Structures | cheat gfi MetalGateframe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte | Structures | cheat gfi TekGateframe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeFrameGate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte béhémot renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneGateframe_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte Béhémoth | Structures | cheat gfi MetalGateframe_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte Béhémoth | Structures | cheat gfi TekGateframe_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte Béhémoth Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeGateframe_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodGateframe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Porte renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneGateframe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Trape geant | Structures | cheat gfi MetalCeilingWithTrapdoorGiant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cadre Dino-Trappe | Structures | cheat gfi StoneCeilingWithTrapdoorGiant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cage en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodCage 1 0 0 | ARK |
Caisse à butin 1 | Consommables | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/CoreBlueprints/Items/PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl1.PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl1'" 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Caisse à butin 2 | Consommables | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/CoreBlueprints/Items/PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl2.PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl2'" 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Caisse à butin 3 | Consommables | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/CoreBlueprints/Items/PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl3.PrimalItemConsumable_Lootcrate_lvl3'" 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Caisse de livraison | Structures | cheat gfi StorageBox_Balloon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Caisse de munitions | Structures | Cheat gfi moco 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 1 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_01_Ambergris_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 2 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_02_Crystal_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 3 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_03_Sulfur_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 4 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_04_ElementShards_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 5 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_05_Obsidian_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 6 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_06_Oil_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 7 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_07_ElementDust_C | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de ravitaillement 8 | Structures | Cheat summon SupplyCrate_Space_08_BlackPearls_c | Genesis : Part 2 |
Caisse de stockage Bois | Structures | cheat gfi StorageBox_Small 1 0 0 | ARK |
Câlin à soi-même | Emote | Cheat gfi UnlockEmote_SelfHug 1 0 0 | ARK |
Camera de sécurité | Structures | Cheat gfi tycam 5 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Canne à pêche | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponFishingRod 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canne à Sucre | Skin | cheat gfi CandyClub 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canne à Sucre Fraîche | Consommables | cheat gfi Veggie_Sugar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canoë | Locomotion | Cheat gfi canoe 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Canoë moderne | Skin | Cheat gfi oe_mo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canoë Tek | Skin | Cheat gfi oe_te 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canoë Viking | Skin | Cheat gfi oe_vi 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Canon | Structures | cheat gfi Cannon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Canon d'épaule Tek | Armes | cheat gfi ShoulderCannon 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Capteur Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TekAlarm 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Capuche en fourrure | Armures | cheat gfi FurHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carbonemys | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TurtleSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carbonemys | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Turtle_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Carbonemys (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Turtle/Turtle_Character_BP.Turtle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Carbonemys | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Carbonemys 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carbonemys irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Turtle_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Carbonemys irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Turtle/Turtle_Character_BP_Aberrant.Turtle_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Carburant | Ressources | cheat gfi Propellant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carcharodontosaurus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Carcha_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Carcharodontosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CarchaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carcharodontosaurus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat spawndino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carcharodontosaurus/Carcha_Character_BP.Carcha_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 | ARK |
Carno | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CarnoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carno-R | Créature | Cheat sdf carno_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Carnotaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Carno_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Carnotaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP.Carno_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Carnotaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Carnotaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carnotaure (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/MegaCarno_Character_BP.MegaCarno_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Carnotaure Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Carno/Carno_Character_BP_Corrupt.Carno_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Carnotaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Carno_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Carnotaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Carno_Character_BP_Aberrant.Carno_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Carnotaure squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneCarno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carnotaure squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_MegaCarno_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Carnotaure squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Carno/Bone_MegaCarno_Character_BP.Bone_MegaCarno_Character_B'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Carnotaure squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Carnotaurus_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carotte | Consommables | cheat gfi Veggie_Rockarrot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Carré de culture de la Fédération | Structures | Cheat gfi ot_tek 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Carré de culture moyen | Structures | cheat gfi CropPlot_Medium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cartouche de fusil à pompe | Munitions | cheat gfi SimpleShotgunBullet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi RiotHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque anti-radiation | Armures | cheat gfi HazardSuitHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque Avatar Corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi Gen1AvatarHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi CorruptedHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque Crâne Effrayant | Skin | cheat gfi ScarySkull 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque d'Aberration | Skin | cheat gfi AberrationHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque d'Homo Deus | Skin | cheat gfi HomoDeusHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de Citrouille | Skin | cheat gfi FE_PumpkinHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de Citrouille pour dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi PumpkinHat_Dino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de dino mignon | Skin | cheat gfi DinoCute 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticoreHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de Maître contrôleur | Skin | cheat gfi MasterControllerHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de mineur | Armures | cheat gfi MinersHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de T-Rex | Skin | cheat gfi BoneHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de Tricératops | Skin | cheat gfi TrikeSkullHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque du Faucheur | Skin | cheat gfi ReaperHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque en chitine | Armures | cheat gfi ChitinHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque en cuir | Armures | cheat gfi HideHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque en forme de chili | Skin | cheat gfi Chili 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque Tek | Armures | cheat gfi TekHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casquette de Baseball | Skin | cheat gfi Account_WildcardAdmin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casquette de Testeur ARK | Skin | cheat gfi Account_GameTester 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casquette du magicien | Skin | cheat gfi Account_DevKitMaster 1 0 0 | ARK |
Castoroides | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi BeaverSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Castoroides | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Beaver_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Castoroides (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Beaver/Beaver_Character_BP.Beaver_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Castroides | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Castroides 1 0 0 | ARK |
Centre d'usinage | Structures | cheat gfi Fabricator 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ceratosaurus | Créature | cheat gmsummon Ceratosaurus_Character_BP_ASA_C 150 | ARK |
Ceratosaurus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/Ceratosaurus/Dinos/Ceratosaurus_Character_BP_ASA.Ceratosaurus_Character_BP_ASA'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Cerveau d'Allosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Allo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chair cuite de poisson | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedMeat_Fish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chair cuite de poisson supérieure | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedPrimeMeat_Fish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chair de poisson | Consommables | cheat gfi RawMeat_Fish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chair de poisson supérieure crue | Consommables | cheat gfi RawPrimeMeat_Fish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chaise Bois | Structures | cheat gfi Furniture_WoodChair 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chalicotherium | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ChalicoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chalicotherium | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Chalico_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Chalicotherium (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Chalicotherium/Chalico_Character_BP.Chalico_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Chalicotherium Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Chalicotherium/Chalico_Character_BP_Corrupt.Chalico_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Chambre de clonage | Structures | cheat gfi TekCloningChamber 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champ de force | Structures | cheat gfi TekShield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon aquatique | Consommables | cheat gfi Mushroom_Aquatic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon ascorbique | Consommables | cheat gfi Mushroom_Ascerbic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon doré | Consommables | cheat gfi Mushroom_Auric 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon Rare | Ressources | cheat gfi RareMushroom 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon Rare | Consommables | cheat gfi RareMushroom 1 0 0 | ARK |
Champignon terreux | Consommables | cheat gfi CommonMushroom 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau d'été en paille | Skin | cheat gfi FloppyStrawHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau d'oeuf de Pâques | Skin | cheat gfi EasterEggHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau d'oeuf de Pâques pour dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi DinoEasterEggHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de Chasseur | Skin | cheat gfi HideHelmetAlt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de dinde | Skin | cheat gfi TT_ActualTurkeyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de fête | Skin | cheat gfi PartyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de fête pour dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi DinoPartyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de l'Oncle Sam | Skin | cheat gfi TopHat_Summer 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de l'Oncle Sam pour dino | Skin | cheat gfi TopHat_Summer_Dino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de pêcheur à la ligne | Skin | cheat gfi AnglerHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de pèlerin | Skin | cheat gfi TT_PilgrimHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de Père Noël | Skin | cheat gfi SantaHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de Père Noël pour dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi DinoSantaHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de poussin de Pâques | Skin | cheat gfi EasterChick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de poussin de Pâques pour dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi DinoChickHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de Safari | Skin | cheat gfi ExplorerHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de sorcière | Skin | cheat gfi WitchHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau de Sorcière pour dino | Skin | cheat gfi DinoWitchHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau du capitaine | Skin | cheat gfi CaptainsHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau et lunettes du désert | Armures | cheat gfi DesertClothGogglesHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau Guimauve | Skin | cheat gfi MarshmallowHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chapeau Guimauve Dino | Skin | cheat gfi DinoMarshmallowHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Charbon | Ressources | cheat gfi Charcoal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Charge de C4 | Munitions | cheat gfi C4 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chaudrée de Lazarus | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_LazarusChowder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chaussons en fourrure | Armures | cheat gfi FurBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chaussures en chitine | Armures | cheat gfi ChitinBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chaussures en tissu | Armures | cheat gfi ClothBoots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cheminée en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi Fireplace 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Bulbdog | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Bulbdog 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Citrouille Lanterne | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Pumpkin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise de costume d'anniversaire | Skin | cheat gfi BirthdayShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise DodoRex | Skin | cheat gfi DodorexMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise en tissu | Armures | cheat gfi ClothShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Faucheur | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Reaper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise glaces | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Island 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Sacagaz | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Gasbags 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Squelette | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Skellies 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Tentacule | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_Tentacles 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise vie marine | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_SeaStuff 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise Wyverne Zombie | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_ZombieWyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise ZomDodo | Skin | cheat gfi HawaiianShirt_DodoZombies 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cheveux humains | Ressources | cheat gfi Hair 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chili de concentration | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_FocalChili 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chitine | Ressources | cheat gfi Chitin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chitine ou Kératine | Ressources | cheat gfi ChitinOrKeratin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ciment | Ressources | cheat gfi ChitinPaste 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ciseaux | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponScissors 1 0 0 | ARK |
Citron | Consommables | cheat gfi Veggie_Citronal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Clé du labyrinthe | Consommables | cheat gfi EscapeRoomKey 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Climatiseur | Structures | cheat gfi AirConditioner 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cnidaria (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Cnidaria/Cnidaria_Character_BP.Cnidaria_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Cnidaria | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Cnidaria 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cnidaria irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Cnidaria/Cnidaria_Character_BP_Aberrant.Cnidaria_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Coelacanthe (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Coelacanth/Coel_Character_BP.Coel_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Coelacanthe irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Coelacanth/Coel_Character_BP_Aberrant.Coel_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Coeur corrompu | Invocation boss | cheat gfi CorruptHeart 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Coeur de Giganotosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Giga 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coffre fort | Structures | cheat gfi StorageBox_Huge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coiffe de Chef Indien | Skin | cheat gfi TurkeyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Collecteur de gaz | Structures | cheat gfi GasCollector 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Ardoise | Colorants | cheat gfi Slate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Argent | Colorants | cheat gfi Silver 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Blanc | Colorants | cheat gfi White 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Bleu | Colorants | cheat gfi Blue 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Bleu Marine | Colorants | cheat gfi Navy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Boue | Colorants | cheat gfi Mud 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Brique | Colorants | cheat gfi Brick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Bronze | Colorants | cheat gfi Tan 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Brun | Colorants | cheat gfi Brown 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Ciel | Colorants | cheat gfi Sky 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Cyan | Colorants | cheat gfi Cyan 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Forêt | Colorants | cheat gfi Forest 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Jaune | Colorants | cheat gfi Yellow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Magenta | Colorants | cheat gfi ActuallyMagenta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Magenta | Colorants | cheat gfi Magenta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Mandarine | Colorants | cheat gfi Tangerine 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Melon Cantaloup | Colorants | cheat gfi Cantaloupe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Noir | Colorants | cheat gfi Black 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Olive | Colorants | cheat gfi Olive 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Orange | Colorants | cheat gfi Orange 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Parchemin | Colorants | cheat gfi Parchment 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Rose | Colorants | cheat gfi Pink 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Rouge | Colorants | cheat gfi Red 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Royauté | Colorants | cheat gfi Royalty 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Vert | Colorants | cheat gfi Green 1 0 0 | ARK |
Colorant Violet | Colorants | cheat gfi Purple 1 0 0 | ARK |
Combinaison de Plongée | Armures | cheat gfi ScubaPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Commutateur de monte-charge en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodElevatorTopSwitch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Composteur | Structures | cheat gfi CompostBin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Compy | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Compy_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Compy (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Compy/Compy_Character_BP.Compy_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Console de surveillance Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TekSecurityConsole 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Corne de Rhinocéros laineux | Ressources | cheat gfi Horn 1 0 0 | ARK |
Corne de Ver des sables | Ressources | cheat gfi KeratinSpike 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Cosmo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "JumpingSpider_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Cosmo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Packs/Steampunk/Dinos/JumpingSpider/JumpingSpider_Character_BP.JumpingSpider_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Costume de dinde | Skin | cheat gfi Costume_Turkey 1 0 0 | Turkey Trial |
Costume de Parasaure 'ARK: The Animated Series' | Skin | cheat gfi Costume_AnimeParasaur 1 0 0 | Winter Wonderland 6 |
Costume de Père Noël | Skin | cheat gfi Costume_Santa 1 0 0 | Winter Wonderland 6 |
Costume de T-Rex gonflable | Skin | cheat gfi InflatableRex 1 0 0 | Summer Bash 2021 |
Costume Homme de paille | Skin | cheat gfi Costume_Strawman 1 0 0 | Fear Evolved 5 |
Costume sans tête | Skin | cheat gfi FE_HeadlessHat 1 0 0 | Fear Evolved 5 |
Costume de survivant muté | Skin | cheat gfi MutatedSurvivor 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Costume Squelette | Skin | cheat gfi Costume_Skeleton 1 0 0 | Fear Evolved 5 |
Costume de canoë moderne | Skin | cheat gfi Canoe_Modern 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Costume de canoë Tek | Skin | cheat gfi Canoe_Tek 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Costume de canoë Viking | Skin | cheat gfi Canoe_Viking 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Côtelette d'agneau cuite | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedLambChop 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Afro | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Afro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Crête indienne | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Mohawk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Dreadlocks | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Dreadlocks 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Queue de cheval | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Ponytail 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Romantique | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHairstyle_Head_Romantic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Tresses | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Braids 1 0 0 | ARK |
Coupe de cheveux style Viking | Coupe de cheveux | cheat gfi UnlockHair_Head_Viking 1 0 0 | ARK |
Crâne de X-Tricératops Alpha | Trophées | cheat gfi TrikeSkullHelmet_Retrieve 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Crête de Spinosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Spino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cristal | Ressources | cheat giveitemnum 77 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cristal primordial (Crystal Isles) | Ressources | cheat gfi Crystal_IslesPrimal 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Croc de Basilic (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Basilisk_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée basique | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XSmall_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée exceptionnelle | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XLarge_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée extraordinaire | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Special_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée régulière | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Medium_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée simple | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Small_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette augmentée supérieure | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Large_EX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Basique | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XSmall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Exceptionnelle | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XLarge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Extraordinaire | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Special 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Régulière | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_Medium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Simple | Consommables | cheat gfi Kibble_Base_XSmall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Croquette Supérieure | Consommables | cheat gfi kibble_base_large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cryofrigo | Structures | cheat gfi CryoFridge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cryopode | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponEmptyCryopod 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Crystal de Gacha | Consommables | cheat gfi GachaPod 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Cuisiniére industrielle | Structures | cheat gfi ndustrialCookingPot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Cuisse de dinde | Skin | cheat gfi TT_Club_TurkeyLeg 1 0 0 | Turkey Trial |
Curry réchauffant | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_FriaCurry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Daeodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DaeodonSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Daeodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Daeodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Daeodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Daeodon/Daeodon_Character_BP.Daeodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Daeodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Daeodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Daeodon-R | Créature | Cheat sdf daeodon_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Deinonychus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DeinonychusSaddle 1 0 0 | Valguero |
Deinonychus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Deinonychus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Valguero |
Deinonychus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Uberraptor/Deinonychus_Character_BP.Deinonychus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Valguero |
Deinonychus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Deinonychus 1 0 0 | Valguero |
Délicieux gâteau aux légumes | Consommables | cheat gfi SweetVeggieCake 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi pignon droite Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi pignon gauche Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon (Droite) | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon (Gauche) | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon (Gauche) | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon droit | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon droit Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon droit Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon gauche | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon gauche Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon gauche Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon Tek (Droite) | Structures | cheat gfi TekWall_Sloped_Right 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon Tek (Gauche) | Structures | cheat gfi TekWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Demi-pignon(Droite) | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseWall_Sloped_Left 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dent de Mégalodon | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Megalodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dent de Mégalodon à rayures dorées | Invocation boss | cheat gfi RetrieveMegTooth 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Dent de Mosasaure (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaMosasaur 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dent de Tyrannosaure (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaRex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Derme | Ressources | cheat gfi TaxidermyDermis 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Desmodus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Desmodus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Fjordur |
Desmodus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DesmodusSaddle 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Desmodus | Chibis | cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Desmodus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Détonateur à distance pour C4 | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponC4 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dévoreur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Pteroteuthis/Pteroteuthis_Char_BP.Pteroteuthis_Char_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dévoreur | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Seeker 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Dévoreur Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Lunar/Pteroteuthis_Char_BP_HuntFollower.Pteroteuthis_Char_BP_HuntFollower'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Digicode | Structures | cheat gfi Keypad 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dilo-R | Créature | Cheat sdf dilo_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Dilophosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dilo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dilophosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dilo/Dilo_Character_BP.Dilo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dilophosaure Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Dilo/Dilo_Character_BP_Corrupt.Dilo_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Dimétrodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dimetro_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dimétrodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dimetrodon/Dimetro_Character_BP.Dimetro_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dimétrodon irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dimetro_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Dimétrodon irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dimetrodon/Dimetro_Character_BP_Aberrant.Dimetro_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dimorphodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dimorph_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dimorphodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dimorphodon/Dimorph_Character_BP.Dimorph_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dimorphodon Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Dimorphodon/Dimorph_Character_BP_Corrupt.Dimorph_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Dimorphodon irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dimorph_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Dimorphodon irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dimorphodon/Dimorph_Character_BP_Aberrant.Dimorph_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dinde | Créature | cheat gmsummon "TurkeyBase_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dinde (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/TurkeyBase_Character_BP.TurkeyBase_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dino Porte Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeGateDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte | Structures | cheat gfi MetalGate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte | Structures | cheat gfi TekGate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeGateDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Béhémoth | Structures | cheat gfi MetalGate_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Béhémoth | Structures | cheat gfi TekGate_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Béhémoth Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeGateDoor_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Béhémoth renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneGateLarge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodGate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Porte renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneGate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Trape geante | Structures | cheat gfi MetalTrapdoorGiant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Trappe Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeCeilingDoorGiant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dino-Trappe renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneCeilingDoorGiant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dinopithecus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dinopithecus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Lost Island |
Dinopithèque | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Dinopithecus 1 0 0 | Lost Island |
Diplocaulus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Diplocaulus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Diplocaulus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Diplocaulus/Diplocaulus_Character_BP.Diplocaulus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Diplocaulus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Diplocaulus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Diplocaulus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Diplocaulus/Diplocaulus_Character_BP_Aberrant.Diplocaulus_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Diplodocus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DiplodocusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Diplodocus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Diplodocus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Diplodocus | Chibis | cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Diplodocus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Diplodocus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Diplodocus/Diplodocus_Character_BP.Diplodocus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Diplodocus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Diplodocus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Diplodocus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Diplodocus/Diplodocus_Character_BP_Aberrant.Diplodocus_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Disque volant | Skin | cheat gfi Boomerang_Frisbee 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dodo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dodo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dodo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP.Dodo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dodo | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Dodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dodo "Deal With It" | Chibis | cheat gfi DodoDealWithIt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dodo irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dodo_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Dodo irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP_Aberrant.Dodo_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dodo Lapin | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dodo_Character_BP_Bunny_C" 150 | ARK |
Dodo Lapin (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Dodo_Character_BP_Bunny.Dodo_Character_BP_Bunny'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dodo Wyverne | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DodoWyvern_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Dodo Wyverne (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/DodoWyvern/DodoWyvern_Character_BP.DodoWyvern_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
DodoRex | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DodoRex_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
DodoRex (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/DodoRex/DodoRex_Character_BP.DodoRex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Doedicurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DoedSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Doedicurus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Doed_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Doedicurus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Doedicurus/Doed_Character_BP.Doed_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Doedicurus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Doedicurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Doedicurus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Doed_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Doedicurus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Doedicurus/Doed_Character_BP_Aberrant.Doed_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dragon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragon/Dragon_Character_BP_Boss.Dragon_Character_BP_Boss" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dragon Epineux | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_SpineyLizard 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Dragon Rocheux | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RockDrakeSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Dragon Rocheux | Créature | cheat gmsummon "RockDrake_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Dragon Rocheux (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/RockDrake/RockDrake_Character_BP.RockDrake_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dragon Rocheux | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_RockDrake 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Dragon Rocheux Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/RockDrake/RockDrake_Character_BP_Corrupt.RockDrake_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Dragon Rocheux Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RockDrakeSaddle_Tek 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Drapeau (une zone) | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Single 1 0 0 | ARK |
Drapeau (zone multiple) | Structures | cheat gfi Flag 1 0 0 | ARK |
Drapeau Araignée | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Spider 1 0 0 | ARK |
Drapeau de la Manticore | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Manticore 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Drapeau de la Reine Wyverne de Cristal | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_CIBoss 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Drapeau de Rockwell | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Rockwell 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Drapeau du Boss VR | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_VRBoss 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Drapeau du Dragon | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Dragon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Drapeau du Gorille | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_Gorilla 1 0 0 | ARK |
Drapeau du Moeder | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_EelBoss 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 1 |
Drapeau du Roi des Titans | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_KingKaiju 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Drapeau du Roi des Titans Mek | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_KingKaijuMecha 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Drapeau de Rockwell prime | Structures | cheat gfi Flag_RockwellGen2 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Drone de combat Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VREndDrone_Character_BP.VREndDrone_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Dunkleosteus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DunkleosteusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dunkleosteus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dunkle_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dunkleosteus | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dunkleosteus/Dunkle_Character_BP.Dunkle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Dunkleosteus | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Dunkleo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Dunkleosteus-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ocean_Dunkle_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Dunkleosteus-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Ocean_Dunkleosteus/Ocean_Dunkle_Character_BP.Ocean_Dunkle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Écailles de Basilic | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Basilisk 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Echelle | Structures | cheat gfi MetalLadder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Echelle | Structures | cheat gfi TekLadder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Echelle Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeLader 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Echelle Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodLadder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Échelle rétractable Bois | Structures | cheat gfi RopeLadder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Échelle rétractable portative | Structures | cheat gfi PortableLadder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Électroniques | Ressources | cheat gfi Electronics 1 0 0 | ARK |
Electrophorus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Eel_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Electrophorus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Eel/Eel_Character_BP.Eel_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Electrophorus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Eel_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Electrophorus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Eel/Eel_Character_BP_Aberrant.Eel_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Élément | Ressources | cheat gfi Element 1 0 0 | ARK |
Élément instable | Ressources | cheat gfi ElementRefined 1 0 0 | ARK |
Émetteur | Structures | cheat gfi TekTransmitter 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote "Remuement de la queue" | Emote | cheat GFI TailWiggle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Affamé | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Hungry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Baiser de biceps | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Flex1 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Boule de neige | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Snowball 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Chant de Noël | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Caroling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Coeur | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Heart 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Coma alimentaire | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_FoodComa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Danse | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Dance 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Danse Casse-Noisette | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_NutcrackerDance 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Danse du lapin | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_BunnyHopDance 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Diabolique | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Evil 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Dinde | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_turkey 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Flirt | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Flirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Frayeur | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_FEScare 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Guitare | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_AirGuitar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Massage du ventre | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_BellyRub 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Mosh Pit | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_MoshPit 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Panique | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Panic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Posture athlétique | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Flex2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Réjouissance | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_HappyClap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Tambours | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_AirDrum 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Toqué | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_FEKnock 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote Zombie | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Zombie 1 0 0 | ARK |
Emote « Démoniaque » | Emote | cheat gfi UnlockEmote_Evil 1 0 0 | ARK |
Engrais | Ressources | cheat gfi Fertilizer_Compost 1 0 0 | ARK |
Eolienne | Structures | cheat gfi WindTurbine 1 0 0 | ARK |
Epée | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponSword 1 0 0 | ARK |
Épée d'Aberration | Skin | cheat gfi AberrationSword 1 0 0 | ARK |
Épée du désert | Skin | cheat gfi ScorchedSword 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Épée Tek | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTekSword 1 0 0 | ARK |
Épée Mjolnir | Skin | cheat gfi mjolnir 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Equus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi EquusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Equus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Equus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Equus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Equus/Equus_Character_BP.Equus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Equus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Equus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Equus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Equus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Equus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Equus/Equus_Character_BP_Aberrant.Equus_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Equus-R | Créature | Cheat sdf equus_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Escalier | Structures | cheat gfi Ramp_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier | Structures | cheat gfi Ramp_Adobe 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Escalier | Structures | cheat gfi Ramp_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier | Structures | cheat gfi Ramp_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier | Structures | cheat gfi Ramp_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier circulaire | Structures | cheat gfi StoneStairs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier circulaire | Structures | cheat gfi MetalStairs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier circulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TekStairs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier circulaire Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeStaircase 1 0 0 | ARK |
Escalier circulaire Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodStairs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Essaim d'insectes (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/Swarms/InsectSwarmChar_BP.InsectSwarmChar_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Essaim de roquette | Munitions | cheat gfi RocketPod 1 0 0 | ARK |
Essence | Ressources | cheat gfi Gasoline 1 0 0 | ARK |
Euryptéride (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Eurypterid/Euryp_Character.Euryp_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Éventreuses Tek | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTekClaws 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Excrement humain | Consommables | cheat gfi HumanPoop 1 0 0 | ARK |
Excrement immense | Consommables | cheat gfi DinoPoopMassive 1 0 0 | ARK |
Excrement moyen | Consommables | cheat gfi DinoPoopMedium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exécuteur | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Enforcer_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Exécuteur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Enforcer/Enforcer_Character_BP.Enforcer_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Exécuteur | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Enforcer 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Exécuteur désassemblé | Créature | cheat gfi Spawner_Enforcer 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Exo Bottes de la Fédération | Skin | cheat gfi TekBoots_V2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exo Bottes de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat gfi ots_g 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo Casque de la Fédération | Skin | cheat GFI TekHelmet_V2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exo Casque de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat gfi met_g 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo Gants de la Fédération | Skin | cheat GFI TekGloves_V2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exo Gants de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat gfi ves_g 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo Pantalon de la Fédération | Skin | cheat gfi TekPants_V2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exo Pantalon de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat gfi nts_g 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo Plastron de la Fédération | Skin | cheat GFI TekShirt_V2 1 0 0 | ARK |
Exo Plastron de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat gfi irt_g 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo-Mek | Locomotion | Cheat sdf exos 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Exo-Mek Non assemblé | Locomotion | Cheat gfi exos 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Extracteur de sève | Structures | cheat gfi TreeTap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Extrait de cactus | Consommables | cheat gfi CactusSap 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Faucheur | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Reaper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Faucheur fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostReaper 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Faucheur-R | Créature | Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_male_gen2 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Faucheuse-R | Créature | Cheat sdf xenomorph_character_BP_female_gen2 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Fasolasuchus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Fasolasuchus/Faso_Character_BP.Faso_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Fasolasuchus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Faso_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Faucille | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponSickle 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Fenrir | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Fenrir_Character_BP_C" 150 | Fjordur |
Fenrir Fourrure Glacé | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PrimalItemArmor_Saddle_Fenrir 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Fenrir | Créature | cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Fenrir 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ferox | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Shapeshifter_Small_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ferox (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/Shapeshifter/Shapeshifter_Small/Shapeshifter_Small_Character_BP.Shapeshifter_Small_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ferox (Grand) | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Shapeshifter_Large 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ferox (Petit) | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Shapeshifter_Small 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ferox Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Arctic/Shapeshifter_Large_Character_BP_Hunt.Shapeshifter_Large_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ferraille | Ressources | cheat gfi ScrapMetal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Feu de Bengale | Skin | cheat gfi TorchSparkler 1 0 0 | ARK |
Feu de camp | Structures | cheat gfi ampfire 1 0 0 | ARK |
Feux d'artifice | Skin | cheat gfi FlaregunFireworks 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fibres | Ressources | cheat gfi Fibers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Filet de pêche | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponFishingNet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Filet de pêche | Outils | cheat GFI FishingNet 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Filet projetable | Munitions | Cheat gfi owne 100 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Fjordhawk | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Fjordhawk_Character_BP_C" 150 | Fjordur |
Fjordhawk | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Fjordhawk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche en fonte | Munitions | cheat gfi BallistaArrow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche en métal | Munitions | cheat gfi CompoundBowArrow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche en pierre | Munitions | cheat gfi ArrowStone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche enflammée | Munitions | cheat gfi ArrowFlame 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche tranquillisante | Munitions | cheat gfi ArrowTranq 1 0 0 | ARK |
Flèche tranquillisante en fonte | Munitions | cheat gfi TranqSpearBolt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fléchette de phéromone | Munitions | cheat gfi AggroTranqDart 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fléchette tranquillisante | Munitions | cheat gfi TranqDart 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fléchette tranquillisante améliorée | Munitions | cheat gfi RefinedTranqDart 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fleur rare | Ressources | cheat gfi RareFlower 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation | Structures | cheat gfi StoneFloor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation | Structures | cheat gfi MetalFloor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation | Structures | cheat gfi TekFloor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeFloor 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Fondation Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodFloor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchFloor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation pour cloture | Structures | cheat gfi StoneFenceFoundation 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation pour cloture | Structures | cheat gfi MetalFenceFoundation 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation pour cloture Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodFenceFoundation 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation pour enclos | Structures | cheat gfi TekFenceFoundation 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation pour enclos Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeFenceFoundation 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation sous-marine | Structures | cheat gfi UnderwaterBase 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation sous-marine avec ouverture en dessous | Structures | cheat gfi UnderwaterBase_Moonpool 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriFoundation_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriFoundation_Adobe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriFoundation_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriFoundation_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fondation triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriFoundation_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Foreuse | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponMiningDrill 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Forge | Structures | cheat gfi Forge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Forge industrielle | Structures | cheat gfi IndustrialForge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fouet | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponWhip 1 0 0 | ARK |
Foulard en tissu | Armures | cheat gfi ClothHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fourche | Skin | cheat gfi TT_Pike_Pitchfork 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fourrure | Ressources | cheat gfi Pelt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fourrure, Cheveux Humains, ou Laine | Ressources | cheat gfi PeltOrHair 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fragment d'Élément instable | Ressources | cheat gfi ShardRefined 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fragment de carapace | Ressources | cheat gfi TurtleShell 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Fragment d’élément | Ressources | cheat gfi ElementShard 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fruit de Plante Spécimen Z | Armes | cheat gfi PlantSpeciesZ_Grenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil à canon long | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponOneShotRifle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil à canon scié | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponShotgun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil à pompe | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponMachinedShotgun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil d'assaut | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponRifle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil de précision | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponMachinedSniper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Fusil Tek | Armes | cheat gfi TekRifle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gacha | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi GachaSaddle 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Gacha | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Gacha_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Gacha (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Gacha/Gacha_Character_BP.Gacha_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Gacha Claus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Gacha_Claus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Gacha Claus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Gacha/Gacha_Claus_Character_BP.Gacha_Claus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
GachaClaus | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_GachaClaus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gallimimus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi Gallimimus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gallimimus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Galli_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Gallimimus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Gallimimus/Galli_Character_BP.Galli_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Gallimimus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Gallimimus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gantelets de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticoreGloves 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Gantelets en chitine | Armures | cheat gfi ChitinGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gantelets en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gantelets Tek | Armures | cheat gfi TekGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi RiotGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants anti-radiation | Armures | cheat gfi HazardSuitGloves 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gants Avatar Corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi Gen1AvatarGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants corrompus | Skin | cheat gfi CorruptedGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants d'Homo Deus | Skin | cheat gfi HomoDeusGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants de Camouflage | Armures | cheat gfi GhillieGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants de Wyverne | Skin | cheat gfi WyvernGloves 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Gants du désert | Armures | cheat gfi DesertClothGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants en cuir | Armures | cheat gfi HideGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants en fourrure | Armures | cheat gfi FurGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants en tissu | Armures | cheat gfi ClothGloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gaz condensé | Ressources | cheat gfi CondensedGas 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gecko luisant | Créature | cheat gmsummon "LanternLizard_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Gecko luisant (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/LanternLizard/LanternLizard_Character_BP.LanternLizard_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Gecko lumineux | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Glowtail 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gecko peluche | Chibis | cheat GFI GlowtailStuffed 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gecko vert | Chibis | cheat gfi Glowtail_FestiveG 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gecko rouge | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Glowtail_FestiveR 1 0 0 | |
Gelée de Baudroie abyssale | Ressources | cheat gfi AnglerGel 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gemme Bleue | Ressources | cheat gfi Gem_BioLum 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gemme Rouge | Ressources | cheat gfi Gem_Element 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gemme Verte | Ressources | cheat gfi Gem_Fertile 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gemme verte fragmentée | Ressources | cheat gfi FracturedGem 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Générateur | Structures | cheat gfi TekGenerator 1 0 0 | ARK |
Générateur électrique | Structures | cheat gfi PowerGenerator 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giga-R | Créature | Cheat sdf gigant_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Gigantoraptor | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Gigantoraptor_Character_BP_c" 150 | ARK |
Giganotosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Gigant_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Gigantoraptor | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi GigantoraptorSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giganotosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP.Gigant_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Giganotosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Gigant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giganotosaure Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicGigant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giganotosaure Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Giganotosaurus/Gigant_Character_BP_Corrupt.Gigant_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Giganotosaure Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRGigant_Character_BP.VRGigant_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Giganotosaure squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneGigant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giganotosaure squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Gigant_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Giganotosaure squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/Bone_Gigant_Character_BP.Bone_Gigant_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Giganotosaure squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Gigant_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Giganotosaure Tek Brutal dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Lunar/BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Hunt.BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Giganotosaure Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Giganotosaurus/BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Giganotosaure Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Lunar/BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Gauntlet.BionicGigant_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Gauntlet'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Giganotosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi GigantSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gigantopithèque | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bigfoot_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Gigantopithèque (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Bigfoot_Character_BP.Bigfoot_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Gigantopithèque | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Gigantopithecus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gigantopithèque Chef indien | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_GigantopithecusChieftan 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gigantopithèque irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Gigantopithèque irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant.Bigfoot_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Glande de phéromone de Faucheur | Invocation boss | cheat gfi XenomorphPheromoneGland 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Glande de phéromone de Roi Faucheur | Invocation boss | cheat gfi RetrieveReaperGland 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Golem de Pierre | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RockGolemSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Golem de pierre | Créature | cheat gmsummon "RockGolem_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Golem de pierre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/RockGolem/RubbleGolem_Character_BP.RubbleGolem_Character_BP'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Golem de pierre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/RockGolem/RockGolem_Character_BP.RockGolem_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Golem de pierre | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_RockGolem 1 0 0 | ARK |
Golem de pierre version glace | Créature | cheat gmsummon "IceGolem_Character_BP_C" 150 | Valguero |
Golem de pierre version glace (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/IceGolem/IceGolem_Character_BP.IceGolem_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Valguero |
Golem de pierre version roche de Craie | Créature | cheat gmsummon "ChalkGolem_Character_BP_C" 150 | Valguero |
Golem de pierre version roche de Craie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Valguero/Assets/Dinos/RockGolem/ChalkGolem/ChalkGolem_Character_BP.ChalkGolem_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Valguero |
Golem de pierre-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Volcano_Golem_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Golem de pierre-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Lava_Golem/Volcano_Golem_Character_BP.Volcano_Golem_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Golem de pierre-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Volcanic/Volcano_Golem_Character_BP_Hunt.Volcano_Golem_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Gourde en peau (Pleine) | Consommables | cheat gfi WaterskinRefill 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde en peau (Vide) | Consommables | cheat gfi WaterskinCraftable 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde en polymère (Pleine) | Consommables | cheat gfi CanteenRefill 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde en polymère (Vide) | Consommables | cheat gfi CanteenCraftable 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde glacée (Pleine) | Consommables | cheat gfi IcedCanteenRefill 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde glacée (Vide) | Consommables | cheat gfi IcedCanteen 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gourde Tek | Consommables | Cheat gfi kcanteenr 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
GPS | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponGPS 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine d'Amarberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Amarberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine d'Amarberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Amarberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine d'Arbuste Fruitier | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Test 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine d'Azulberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Azulberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine d'Azulberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Azulberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Carotte | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Rockarrot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Carotte (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Rockarrot_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Citron | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Citronal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Citron (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Citronal_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Maïs | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Longrass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Maïs (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Longrass_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Mejoberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Mejoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Mejoberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Mejoberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Narcoberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Narcoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Narcoberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Narcoberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Plante Spécimen X (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_DefensePlant_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Pomme de Terre | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Savoroot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Pomme de terre (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Savoroot_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Spécimen X | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_DefensePlant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Stimberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Stimberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Stimberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Stimberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Tintoberry | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Tintoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graine de Tintoberry (rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_Tintoberry_SpeedHack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graines de Plante Spécimen R-1 | Graines | Cheat gfi r_rawmeat 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Graines de Plante Spécimen R-2 | Graines | Cheat gfi r_rawfish 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Graines de Plante Spécimen R-3 | Graines | Cheat gfi r_spoiledmeat 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Graines de Plante Spécimen R-4 | Graines | Cheat gfi r_primemeat 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Graines de Plante Spécimen R-5 | Graines | Cheat gfi r_primefish 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Graines de Plante Spécimen Y | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_PlantSpeciesY 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graines de Plante Spécimen Z | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_PlantSpeciesZ 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graines de Plante Spécimen Z (Rapide) | Graines | cheat gfi Seed_PlantSpeciesZ_SpeedHack 10 0 0 | ARK |
Graisse de Basilosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Basilo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Graisse de Leedsichthys (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaLeeds 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grand carré de culture | Structures | cheat gfi CropPlot_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grand Ferox (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/Shapeshifter/Shapeshifter_Large/Shapeshifter_Large_Character_BP.Shapeshifter_Large_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Grand panneau | Structures | cheat gfi MetalSign_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grand panneau Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodSign_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grand Piège à Ours | Armes | cheat gfi BearTrap_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grappin | Munitions | cheat gfi GrapplingHook 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade à fragmentation | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponClusterGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade de Gravité Tek | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTekGravityGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade empoisonnée | Armes | cheat gfi PoisonGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade fumigène | Armes | cheat gfi GasGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenade Tek | Armes | cheat gfi TekGrenade 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grenades en peluches | Skin | cheat gfi VDay_Grenade_ValentineBear 1 0 0 | ARK |
Griffe de Raptor (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaRaptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Griffe de Thylacoleo | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Thylaco 1 0 0 | ARK |
Griffes de Thérizinosaure | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Theriz 1 0 0 | ARK |
Griffon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Griffin_Character_BP_C" 150 | Ragnarok |
Griffon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Griffin/Griffin_Character_BP.Griffin_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Ragnarok |
Griffon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Griffin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Grill industriel | Structures | cheat gfi Grill 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gros excrement | Consommables | cheat gfi DinoPoopLarge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hâche de Santiago | Skin | cheat GFI Hatchet_Santiago 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hache en métal | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponMetalHatchet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hache en pierre | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponStoneHatchet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Harfang des neiges | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi OwlSaddle 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Owl_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Owl/Owl_Character_BP.Owl_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_SnowOwl 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_Owl_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Owl/Ghost_Owl_Character_BP.Ghost_Owl_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostOwl 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Harfang des neiges-R | Créature | Cheat sdf owl_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Harpon | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponHarpoon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain "Amour jurassique" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Sauropod 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Aranéo | Skin | cheat gfi FE_SwimShirt_Araneo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Citrouille Lanterne | Skin | cheat gfi FE_SwimShirt_Pumpkin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Crabe festif | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_CrabParty 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Dinde | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimShirt_TurkeyBerry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Dinde meurtrière | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_MurderTurkey 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Dodo vampire | Skin | cheat gfi FE_SwimShirt_VampireDodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain DodoRex | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Dodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Faucheur | Skin | cheat gfi FE_SwimShirt_Reaper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain fleuri | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_Flowers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Giga crotte | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_Carno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Guirlande Jerboa | Skin | cheat gfi WW_SwimShirt_JerboaWreath 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Îles aux Ichthy | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_IslandRetreat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Onyc | Skin | cheat gfi FE_SwimShirt_Onyc 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Ornement Dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi WW_SwimShirt_DinoOrnaments 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Poisson mordant | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_FishBite 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Raptor alpha | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain T-Rex | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimShirt_Arthro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Tarte au dodo | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimShirt_DodoPie 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de bain Viande | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimShirt_Meat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de Cupidon | Skin | cheat gfi ValentineShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de forme | Skin | cheat gfi TopHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain "Drôle de couple" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_OddCouple 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain "Nounours" | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Bearhug 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain anguille | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Eels 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain bouée gonflable | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Float 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain méduse | Skin | cheat gfi SwimShirt_Jellyfish 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain Noglin | Skin | cheat GFI SwimShirt_Noglin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Haut de maillot de bain Yeti | Skin | cheat GFI SwimShirt_Yeti 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hesperornis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Hesperornis_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Hesperornis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Hesperornis/Hesperornis_Character_BP.Hesperornis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Hula danse | Emote | cheat gfi HulaDance 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hyaenodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi HyaenodonSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Hyène | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Hyaenodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Hyène (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Hyaenodon/Hyaenodon_Character_BP.Hyaenodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ichthyornis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ichthyornis_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ichthyornis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ichthyornis/Ichthyornis_Character_BP.Ichthyornis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ichthyosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dolphin_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ichthyosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dolphin/Dolphin_Character_BP.Dolphin_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ichthyosaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ocean_Dolphin_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ichthyosaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Ocean_Dolphin/Ocean_Dolphin_Character_BP.Ocean_Dolphin_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Ichthyosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DolphinSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Iguanodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi IguanodonSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Iguanodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Iguanodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Iguanodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Iguanodon/Iguanodon_Character_BP.Iguanodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Iguanodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Iguanodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Iguanodon irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Iguanodon_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Iguanodon irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Iguanodon/Iguanodon_Character_BP_Aberrant.Iguanodon_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Incubateur à oeufs | Structures | Cheat gfi ggincu 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Insecte jarre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Jugbug/JugBug_Character_BaseBP.JugBug_Character_BaseBP'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Jambières Avatar Corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi Gen1AvatarPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Jambières corrompues | Skin | cheat gfi CorruptedPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Jambières de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticorePants 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Jambières Tek | Armures | cheat gfi TekPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Jar en feu | Munitions | Cheat gfi er_f 100 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Jarre à eau glacé (Pleine) | Consommables | cheat gfi IcedWaterJarRefill 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Jarre à eau glacé (Vide) | Consommables | cheat gfi IcedWaterJar 1 0 0 | scorched Earth |
Jerboa | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Jerboa_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Jerboa/Jerboa_Character_BP.Jerboa_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa Lapin | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_JerboaBunny 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneJerboa 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Jerboa_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Jerboa/Bone_Jerboa_Character_BP.Bone_Jerboa_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Jerboa squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Jerboa_Bone 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Jumelles électroniques | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponElectronicBinoculars 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Kairuku | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Kairuku_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Kairuku (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Kairuku/Kairuku_Character_BP.Kairuku_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Kairuku à col blanc | Chibis | cheat GFI TophatKairuku 1 0 0 | ARK |
Kairuku | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Kairuku 1 0 0 | ARK |
Kaprosuchus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi KaprosuchusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Kaprosuchus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Kaprosuchus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Kaprosuchus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Kaprosuchus/Kaprosuchus_Character_BP.Kaprosuchus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Kaprosuchus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Kaprosuchus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Karkinos | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CrabSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Karkinos | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Crab_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Karkinos (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Crab/Crab_Character_BP.Crab_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Karkinos | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Karkinos 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Karkinos (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Crab/MegaCrab_Character_BP.MegaCrab_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Kentrosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Kentro_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Kentrosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Kentrosaurus/Kentro_Character_BP.Kentro_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Kentrosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Kentrosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Kératine | Ressources | cheat gfi Keratin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Kit de Prélèvement sanguin | Outils | cheat gfi BloodExtractor 1 0 0 | ARK |
La chouette sorcière | Chibis | cheat gfi WitchingOwl 1 0 0 | ARK |
Labo de chimie | Structures | cheat gfi ChemBench 1 0 0 | ARK |
Laine | Ressources | cheat gfi Wool 1 0 0 | ARK |
Laisse pour dino | Structures | cheat gfi DinoLeash 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lait de Wyverne | Consommables | cheat gfi WyvernMilk 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Lampe sur pied | Structures | cheat gfi Lamppost 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lampe tactique (Accessoire) | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponAttachment_Flashlight 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lampe unidirectionnel | Structures | cheat gfi LamppostOmni 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lamproie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Lamprey/Lamprey_Character.Lamprey_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Lance Ardente | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponSpear_Flame_Gauntlet 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Lance de joute | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponLance 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance de Santiago | Skin | cheat GFI Spear_Santiago 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance du désert | Skin | cheat gfi ScorchedSpear 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Lance en bois | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponSpear 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance en carotte sucrée | Skin | cheat gfi Spear_Carrot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance en métal | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponPike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance-flamme | Armes | cheat gfi WeapFlamethrower 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance-grenade Tek | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTekGrenadeLauncher 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Lance-pierre Casse-Noisette | Skin | cheat gfi WW_Nutcracker_Slingshot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance-pierres | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponSlingshot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance-Roquettes | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponRocketLauncher 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lanceur de feu d'artifice | Skin | cheat gfi RocketLauncherFireworks 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lanterne de Charge | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponRadioactiveLanternCharge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lapin | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Bunny 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lapin (Procoptodon) | Skin | cheat gfi ProcopBunny 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lasso | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponLasso 1 0 0 | ARK |
Leedsichthys | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Leedsichthys_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Leedsichthys (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Leedsichthys/Leedsichthys_Character_BP.Leedsichthys_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Leedsichthys (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Leedsichthys/Alpha_Leedsichthys_Character_BP.Alpha_Leedsichthys_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Leedsichthys Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Leedsichthys_Character_BP_Hunt.Leedsichthys_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Lézard épineux | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SpineyLizardSaddle 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Lézard épineux | Créature | cheat gmsummon "SpineyLizard_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Lézard épineux (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/SpineyLizard/SpineyLizard_Character_BP.SpineyLizard_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Licorne | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn_C" 150 | ARK |
Licorne (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Equus/Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn.Equus_Character_BP_Unicorn'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Licorne | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Unicorn 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lingot de ferraille | Ressources | cheat gfi ScrapMetalIngot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lingot de métal | Ressources | cheat gfi MetalIngot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Liopleurodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Liopleurodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Liopleurodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Liopleurodon/Liopleurodon_Character_BP.Liopleurodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Lit de récupération | Structures | cheat gfi Bed_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lit simple | Structures | cheat gfi Bed_Simple 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lits superposés | Structures | cheat gfi Bed_Modern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Longue-vue | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponSpyglass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Direwolf_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Direwolf/Direwolf_Character_BP.Direwolf_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Direwolf 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_Direwolf_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Direwolf/Ghost_Direwolf_Character_BP.Ghost_Direwolf_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostDirewolf 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loup Sinistre-R | Créature | Cheat sdf direwolf_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Loup-garou fantôme | Chibis | cheat gfi DirewolfGhost 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loupe | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponMagnifyingGlass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loutre | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Otter_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Loutre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Otter/Otter_Character_BP.Otter_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Loutre | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_OtterBonnet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loutre | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Otter 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loutre à chapeau de paille | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_OtterStrawHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Loutre irradiée | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Otter_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Loutre irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Otter/Otter_Character_BP_Aberrant.Otter_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Loutre-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Snow_Otter_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Loutre-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Snow_Otter/Snow_Otter_Character_BP.Snow_Otter_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Luciole (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Lightbug/Lightbug_Character_BaseBP.Lightbug_Character_BaseBP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Lumicorne | Créature | cheat gmsummon "LanternGoat_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Lumicorne (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/LanternGoat/LanternGoat_Character_BP.LanternGoat_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Lumicorne | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Shinehorn 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Lumicorne vert | Chibis | cheat gfi Shinehorn_FestiveG 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lumicorne rouge | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Shinehorn_FestiveR 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lumière | Structures | cheat gfi TekLight 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunette de visée | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponAttachment_Scope 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes de Geek | Skin | cheat gfi Glasses 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes de soleil | Skin | cheat gfi SunGlasses 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes de soleil rétro | Skin | cheat gfi Skin_SunGlasses_Retro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes de T-Rex Stomped Land | Skin | cheat gfi RexSaddle_StompedGlasses 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes de vision nocturne | Accessoires | cheat gfi NightVisionGoggles 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lunettes pour dino | Skin | cheat gfi DinoSpecs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lymantria | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Lymantria 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lymantria | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MothSaddle 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Lymantria | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Moth_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Lymantria (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Moth/Moth_Character_BP.Moth_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Lystrosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Lystro_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Lystrosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Lystrosaurus/Lystro_Character_BP.Lystro_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Lystrosaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Lystro_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Lystrosaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Lystrosaurus/Lystro_Character_BP_Aberrant.Lystro_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
M.B.M.D. | Accessoires | cheat gfi MekBackpack_Shield 1 0 0 | Aberration |
M.L.R.M. | Accessoires | cheat gfi MekBackpack_MissilePod 1 0 0 | Aberration |
M.O.M.I. | Accessoires | cheat gfi MekTransformer 1 0 0 | Aberration |
M.S.C.M. | Accessoires | cheat gfi MekBackpack_SiegeCannon 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Macrophage | Créature | Cheat sdf macro 0 1 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Maewing | Creature | Cheat sdf lkg 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Maewing | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Maewing 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Magmasaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CherufeSaddle 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Magmasaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Cherufe_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Magmasaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/Cherufe/Cherufe_Character_BP.Cherufe_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Magmasaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Cherufe 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Magmasaure Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Volcanic/Cherufe_Character_BP_Hunt.Cherufe_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Maillot de bain Aranéo | Skin | cheat gfi FE_Underwear_Araneo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Citrouille Lanterne | Skin | cheat gfi FE_Underwear_Pumpkin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Crabe festif | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_CrabParty 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Dinde | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimPants_TurkeyBerry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Dinde meurtrière | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_MurderTurkey 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Dodo vampire | Skin | cheat gfi FE_Underwear_VampireDodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain DodoDrex | Skin | cheat gfi SwimPants_Dodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Faucheur | Skin | cheat gfi FE_Underwear_Reaper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain fleuri | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_Flowers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Giga crotte | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_Carno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Guirlande Jerboa | Skin | cheat gfi WW_Underwear_JerboaWreath 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Îles aux Ichthy | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_IslandRetreat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Onyc | Skin | cheat gfi FE_Underwear_Onyc 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Ornement Dinosaure | Skin | cheat gfi WW_Underwear_DinoOrnaments 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Poisson mordant | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_FishBite 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Raptor alpha | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain T-Rex | Skin | cheat gfi SummerSwimPants_Arthro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Tarte au dodo | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimPants_DodoPie 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maillot de bain Viande | Skin | cheat gfi TT_SwimPants_Meat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maïs | Consommables | cheat gfi Veggie_Longrass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Maître contrôleur corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/VRMainBoss/VRMainBoss_Character.VRMainBoss_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Maître contrôleur corrompu (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/VRMainBoss/VRMainBoss_Character_Hard.VRMainBoss_Character_Hard'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Maître contrôleur corrompu (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/VRMainBoss/VRMainBoss_Character_Medium.VRMainBoss_Character_Medium'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Maître contrôleur corrompu (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/VRMainBoss/VRMainBoss_Character_Easy.VRMainBoss_Character_Easy'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mammouth | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MammothSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mammouth | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Mammoth_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mammouth (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Mammoth/Mammoth_Character_BP.Mammoth_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mammouth | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Mammoth 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mammouth Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Arctic/Mammoth_Character_BP_Hunt.Mammoth_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Managarm | Créature | cheat gmsummon "IceJumper_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Managarm (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/IceJumper/IceJumper_Character_BP.IceJumper_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Managarm | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Managarmr 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Managarme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi IceJumperSaddle 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Mangeoire | Structures | cheat gfi TekTrough 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mangeoire | Structures | cheat gfi FeedingTrough 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mannequin d'arsenal | Structures | cheat gfi LoadoutDummy 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Mannequin d'entrainement | Structures | cheat gfi TrainingDummy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Manta | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MantaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Manta | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Manta_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Manta (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Manta/Manta_Character_BP.Manta_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Manta | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Manta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Manta irradiée | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Manta_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Manta irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Manta/Manta_Character_BP_Aberrant.Manta_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Manticore | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Manticore_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Manticore (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Manticore/Manticore_Character_BP.Manticore_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mantis | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MantisSaddle 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Mantis_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Mantis/Mantis_Character_BP.Mantis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Mantis 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_Mantis_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Mantis/Ghost_Mantis_Character_BP.Ghost_Mantis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostMantis 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Mantis fantômes | Chibis | cheat gfi MantisGhost 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Marmite Suspendue | Structures | cheat gfi CookingPot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque à gaz | Armures | cheat gfi GasMask 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Masque de Camouflage | Armures | cheat gfi GhillieHelmet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de clown | Skin | cheat gfi ClownMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de Dilophosaure | Skin | cheat gfi DiloMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de DodoRex | Skin | cheat gfi DodorexMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de DodoWyverne | Skin | cheat gfi DodowyvernHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de hockey | Skin | cheat gfi FE_ScaryFaceMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de loup garou | Skin | cheat gfi WerewolfHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de Loutre | Skin | cheat gfi OtterMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque de Plongée | Armures | cheat gfi ScubaHelmet_Goggles 1 0 0 | ARK |
Masque du Bulbdog | Skin | cheat gfi PugMask 1 0 0 | ARK |
Massue | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponStoneClub 1 0 0 | ARK |
Massue Lapin Chocolat | Skin | cheat gfi Club_ChocolateRabbit 1 0 0 | ARK |
Matraque électrique | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponProd 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégachelon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "GiantTurtle_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mégachelon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/GiantTurtle/GiantTurtle_Character_BP.GiantTurtle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Megachelon Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi GiantTurtleSaddle 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Megalania | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MegalaniaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Megalania | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megalania_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Megalania (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalania/Megalania_Character_BP.Megalania_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Megalania | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Megalania 1 0 0 | ARK |
Megalania irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megalania_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Megalania irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalania/Megalania_Character_BP_Aberrant.Megalania_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Megaloceros | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi StagSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégalocéros | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Stag_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mégalocéros (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stag/Stag_Character_BP.Stag_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mégalocéros | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Megaloceros 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégalocéros Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Arctic/Stag_Character_BP_Hunt.Stag_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Megalodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MegalodonSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégalodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megalodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mégalodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalodon/Megalodon_Character_BP.Megalodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mégalodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Megalodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégalodon (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalodon/MEgaMegalodon_Character_BP.MegaMegalodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mégalodon à rayures dorées (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Retrieve/Ocean/Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Retrieve.Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Retrieve'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mégalodon Brutal à rayures dorées (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Retrieve/Ocean/Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Retrieve_Brute.Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Retrieve_Brute'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Megalodon Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MegalodonSaddle_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mégalodon-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mégalodon-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Ocean_Megalodon/Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP.Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mégalodon-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Hunt.Ocean_Megalodon_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mégalosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megalosaurus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mégalosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalosaurus/Megalosaurus_Character_BP.Megalosaurus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mégalosaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Mégalosaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megalosaurus/Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant.Megalosaurus_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Megalosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MegalosaurusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
MegaMek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Mek/MegaMek_Character_BP.MegaMek_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Méganeura (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragonfly/Dragonfly_Character_BP.Dragonfly_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Méganeura irradiée (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dragonfly/Dragonfly_Character_BP_Aberrant.Dragonfly_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Mégapithèque (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Gorilla/Gorilla_Character_BP.Gorilla_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Megatherium | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MegatheriumSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Megatherium | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Megatherium_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Megatherium (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Megatherium/Megatherium_Character_BP.Megatherium_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mégathérium | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Megatherium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Megatherium-R | Créature | Cheat sdf megatherium_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Mejoberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Mejoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Mek_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Mek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Mek/Mek_Character_BP.Mek_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Mek désassemblé | Créature | cheat gfi Spawner_Mek 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Menottes | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponHandcuffs 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Menottes de l'amour | Skin | cheat gfi Vday_Handcuffs 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mesopithecus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Monkey_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mesopithecus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Monkey/Monkey_Character_BP.Monkey_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mesopithecus | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Mesopithecus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Métal | Ressources | cheat gfi Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Microraptor | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Microraptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Microraptor (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Microraptor/Microraptor_Character_BP.Microraptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Miel d’abeille géante | Consommables | cheat gfi Honey 1 0 0 | ARK |
Minerai d'Elément | Ressources | cheat gfi ElementOre 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mines sous-marines | Structures | cheat gfi SeaMine 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mini-HLNA Skin | Skin | cheat gfi MiniHLNA 1 0 0 | ARK |
Minigun | Armes | Cheat gfi minig 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Miroir | Structures | cheat gfi Mirror 1 0 0 | ARK |
Missile de croisière | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTekCruiseMissile 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Missile téléguidé | Munitions | cheat gfi RocketHomingMissile 1 0 0 | ARK |
Moeder, Maître de l'Océan (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/EelBoss/EelBoss_Character_BP_Hard.EelBoss_Character_BP_Hard'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Moeder, Maître de l'Océan (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/EelBoss/EelBoss_Character_BP_Medium.EelBoss_Character_BP_Medium'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Moeder, Maître de l'Océan (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/EelBoss/EelBoss_Character_BP_Easy.EelBoss_Character_BP_Easy'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Monte-charge de grande taille en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodElevatorPlatform_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Monte-charge de grande taille en metal | Structures | cheat gfi ElevatorPlatformLarge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Monte-charge de petite taille en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodElevatorPlatform_Small 1 0 0 | ARK |
Monte-charge de petite taille en metal | Structures | cheat gfi ElevatorPlatformSmall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Monte-charge de taille moyenne en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodElevatorPlatform_Medium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Monte-charge de taille moyenne en metal | Structures | cheat gfi ElevatorPlatfromMedium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Morellatops | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CamelsaurusSaddle 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Morellatops | Créature | cheat gmsummon "camelsaurus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Morellatops (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Camelsaurus/camelsaurus_Character_BP.camelsaurus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Mortier et pilon | Structures | cheat gfi MortarAndPestle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaur Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MosaSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MosaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Mosa_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Mosasaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Mosa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Mosasaurus/Mosa_Character_BP.Mosa_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mosasaure (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Mosasaurus/Mosa_Character_BP_Mega.Mosa_Character_BP_Mega'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Mosasaure Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi bionicmosa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaure Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MosaSaddle_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mosasaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ocean_Mosa_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mosasaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Ocean_Mosasaurus/Ocean_Mosa_Character_BP.Ocean_Mosa_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mosasaure-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Ocean_Mosa_Character_BP_Hunt.Ocean_Mosa_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Moschops | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Moschops_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Moschops (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Moschops/Moschops_Character_BP.Moschops_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Moschops | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Moschops 1 0 0 | ARK |
Moschops irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Moschops_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Moschops irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Moschops/Moschops_Character_BP_Aberrant.Moschops_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Moteur de tyrolienne | Structures | cheat gfi ZiplineMotor 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Munitions pour Lance-flamme | Munitions | cheat gfi Flamethrower 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur | Structures | cheat gfi TekWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWall 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Mur Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur de pique | Structures | cheat gfi MetalSpikeWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur de pique Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodSpikeWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Large | Structures | cheat gfi LargeWall_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Large | Structures | cheat gfi LargeWall_Adobe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Large | Structures | cheat gfi LargeWall_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Large | Structures | cheat gfi LargeWall_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Mur Large | Structures | cheat gfi LargeWall_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Murène Servante | Créature | cheat gmsummon "EelMinion_Character_BP_Easy_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Murène Servante (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/EelBoss/EelMinion_Character_BP_Easy.EelMinion_Character_BP_Easy'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Mutagèle | Ressources | cheat gfi mutagel 100 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Mutagène | Ressources | cheat gfi Mutagen 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Nameless (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/ChupaCabra/ChupaCabra_Character_BP.ChupaCabra_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Narcoberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Narcoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Narcotique | Ressources | cheat gfi Narcotic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Narcotique | Consommables | cheat gfi Narcotic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Nasse | Structures | cheat gfi FishBasket 1 0 0 | ARK |
Nodule corrompu | Ressources | cheat gfi CorruptedPolymer 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Noglin | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_BrainSlug 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Noglin | Créature | Cheat sdf brainslug 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Noglin festif | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_BrainSlugXmas 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Notes sur les "Recettes de Rockwell" | Consommables | cheat gfi RecipeNote_Measurements 1 0 0 | ARK |
O4 Explosoeufs à distance | Skin | cheat gfi EasterBasket_C4 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oasisaur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Oasisaur/Oasisaur_Character_BP.Oasisaur_Character_BP'" 500 0 0 150 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Obsidienne | Ressources | cheat gfi Obsidian 1 0 0 | ARK |
Obus de Canon | Munitions | cheat gfi CannonShell 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeil de Tusoteuthis (Alpha) | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_AlphaTuso 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Allosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Allo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Ankylosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Ankylo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Aranéo | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Spider 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Archaeopteryx | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Archa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Argentavis | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Argent 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Harfang des neiges | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Owl 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Hesperornis | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Hesperonis 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Hesperornis en or | Oeuf | cheat gfi Gold 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Ichthyornis | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Ichthyornis 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Iguanodon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Kibble_Iguandonegg 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Oiseau-Terreur | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_TerrorBird 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf d'Oviraptor | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Oviraptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Baryonyx | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Baryonyx 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Basilic | Oeuf | cheat gfi PrimalItemConsumable_Egg_Basilisk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Baudroie abyssale | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Angler 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Beelzebufo | Oeuf | cheat gfi UnderwaterEgg_Toad 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Bloodstalker | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_BogSpider 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Oeuf de Brontosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Bronto 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Carbonemys | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Turtle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Carnotaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Carno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Compy | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Compy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Dilophosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Dilo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Dimétrodon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Dimetrodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Dimorphodon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Dimorph 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Diplocaulus | Oeuf | cheat gfi UnderwaterEgg_Diplocaulus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Diplodocus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Diplo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Dodo | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Dodo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Dragon Rocheux | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_RockDrake 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Gallimimus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Galli 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Gecko luisant | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_LanternLizard 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Giganotosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Gigant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Kairuku | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Kairuku 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Kaprosuchus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Kaprosuchus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Kentrosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Kentro 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Oeuf de Lézard épineux | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_SpineyLizard 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Oeuf de Lymantria | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Moth 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Oeuf de Lystrosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Lystro 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Oeuf de Maewing Basique | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_xs 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Maewing Exceptionnelle | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_xl 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Maewing Extraordinaire | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_sp 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Maewing Régulier | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_L 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Maewing Simple | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_sm 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Maewing Supérieure | Oeuf | Cheat gfi kglider_L 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Oeuf de Magmasaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Cherufe 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Oeuf de Mantis | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Mantis 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Oeuf de Mégachelon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_GiantTurtle 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Oeuf de Megalania | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Megalania 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Mégalosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Megalosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Microraptor | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Microraptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Morellatops | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Camelsaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Moschops | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Moschops 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Murène | Oeuf | cheat gfi UnderwaterEgg_Eel 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Pachycéphalosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Pachy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Pachyrhinosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Pachyrhino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Parasaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Para 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Parasaure Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Para_Bionic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Pegomastax | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Pegomastax 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Pelagornis | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Pela 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Plumineux | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_LanternBird 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de poisson | Oeuf | cheat gfi UnderwaterEgg 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Ptéranodon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Ptero 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Pulmonoscorpius | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Scorpion 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Quetzal | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Quetz 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Quetzal Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Quetz_Bionic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Raptor | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Raptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Raptor Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Raptor_Bionic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Sarcosuchus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Sarco 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Spinosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Spino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Stégosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Stego 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Stégosaure Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Stego_Bionic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de T-Rex | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Rex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de T-Rex Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Rex_Bionic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Tapejara | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Tapejara 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Thérizinosaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Therizino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Titanoboa | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Boa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Tricératops | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Trike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Tricératops Tek | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Trike_Bionic 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Oeuf de Troodon | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Troodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Tropeognathus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Tropeognathus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Tusoteuthis | Oeuf | cheat gfi UnderwaterEgg_Tuso 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Vautour | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Vulture 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Vélonasaure | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Spindles 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Wyverne | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Wyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Wyverne de Cristal | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_CrystalWyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf de Yutyrannus | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Yuty 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Extra Gros | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_XtraLarge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Extra Petit | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_XSmall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Gros | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Large 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Moyen | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Medium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Petit | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Small 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeuf Spécial | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg_Special 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oeufs | Oeuf | cheat gfi Egg 1 0 0 | ARK |
Insecte jarre à pétrole (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Jugbug/Jugbug_Oil_Character_BP.Jugbug_Oil_Character_BP'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Oiseau de l'amour | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_LoveBird 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oiseau-Terreur | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TerrorBirdSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oiseau-Terreur | Créature | cheat gmsummon "TerrorBird_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Oiseau-Terreur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/TerrorBird/TerrorBird_Character_BP.TerrorBird_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Oiseau-Terreur | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_TerrorBird 1 0 0 | ARK |
Onyc | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Onyc 1 0 0 | ARK |
Onychonycteris | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bat_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Onychonycteris (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bat/Bat_Character_BP.Bat_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Oreilles de lapin | Skin | cheat gfi BunnyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oreilles de lapin pour Dino | Skin | cheat gfi DinoBunnyHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Os de dinosaure | Ressources | cheat gfi ARKBone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ours Sinistre | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DireBearSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ours Sinistre | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Direbear_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ours Sinistre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Direbear/Direbear_Character_BP.Direbear_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ours Sinistre | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Direbear 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ours Sinistre irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Direbear_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Ours Sinistre irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Direbear/Direbear_Character_BP_Aberrant.Direbear_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Outil de taxidermie | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponTaxidermyTool 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oviraptor | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Oviraptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Oviraptor (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Oviraptor/Oviraptor_Character_BP.Oviraptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Oviraptor | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Oviraptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Oviraptor Lapin | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bunny_Oviraptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Oviraptor Lapin (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Oviraptor/BunnyOviraptor_Character_BP.BunnyOviraptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ovis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sheep_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ovis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sheep/Sheep_Character_BP.Sheep_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ovis | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Sheep 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ovis irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sheep_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Ovis irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sheep/Sheep_Character_BP_Aberrant.Sheep_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Pachy | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PachySaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pachycéphalosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Pachy_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Pachycéphalosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Pachy/Pachy_Character_BP.Pachy_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Pachycéphalosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Pachy 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pachyrhinosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Pachyrhino_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Pachyrhinosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Pachyrhinosaurus/Pachyrhino_Character_BP.Pachyrhino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Pachyrhinosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PachyrhinoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Paire-o-Saures | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_pairosaurs_vday 1 0 0 | ARK |
Palmes de Plongée | Armures | cheat gfi ScubaBoots_Flippers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Panier à poisson rempli | Consommables | cheat gfi FishBasketFilled 1 0 0 | ARK |
Panneau | Structures | cheat gfi MetalSign 1 0 0 | ARK |
Panneau Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodSign 1 0 0 | ARK |
Panneau mural | Structures | cheat gfi MetalSign_Wall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Panneau mural Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodSign_Wall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi RiotPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon anti-radiation | Armures | cheat gfi HazardSuitPants 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Pantalon d'Homo Deus | Skin | cheat gfi HomoDeusPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon de Camouflage | Armures | cheat gfi GhilliePants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon de costume d'anniversaire | Skin | cheat gfi BirthdayPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon de Cupidon | Skin | cheat gfi ValentinePants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon du désert | Armures | cheat gfi DesertClothPants 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Pantalon en chitine | Armures | cheat gfi ChitinPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon en cuir | Armures | cheat gfi HidePants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon en fourrure | Armures | cheat gfi FurPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon en tissu | Armures | cheat gfi ClothPants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Paracer | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi Paracer_Saddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Paracer Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ParacerSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Paraceratherium | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Paracer_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Paraceratherium (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Paraceratherium/Paracer_Character_BP.Paracer_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Paraceratherium | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Paraceratherium 1 0 0 | ARK |
Paraceratherium Corrompu | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Paraceratherium/Paracer_Character_BP_Corrupt.Paracer_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Paraceratherium irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Paracer_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Paraceratherium irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Paraceratherium/Paracer_Character_BP_Aberrant.Paracer_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Paraceratherium-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bog_Paracer_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Paraceratherium-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/BogParaceratherium/Bog_Paracer_Character_BP.Bog_Paracer_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Parachute | Accessoires | cheat gfi Parachute 1 0 0 | ARK |
Parasaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ParaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Parasaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Parasaur 1 0 0 | ARK |
Parasaure Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicParasaur 1 0 0 | ARK |
Parasaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Para_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Parasaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP_Aberrant.Para_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Parasaure Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicPara_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Parasaure Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/BionicPara_Character_BP.BionicPara_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Parasaure Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/BionicPara_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicPara_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Parasaure-R | Créature | Cheat sdf para_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Parasaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bog_Para_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Parasaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/BogPara/Bog_Para_Character_BP.Bog_Para_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Parasaurolophus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Para_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Parasaurolophus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Para/Para_Character_BP.Para_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Passerelle | Structures | cheat gfi MetalCatwalk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Passerelle | Structures | cheat gfi TekCatwalk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Passerelle Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodCatwalk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Peau | Ressources | cheat gfi Hide 1 0 0 | ARK |
Peau de Sarcosuchus | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_Sarco 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pegomastax | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Pegomastax_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Pegomastax (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Pegomastax/Pegomastax_Character_BP.Pegomastax_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Pelagornis | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PelaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pelagornis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Pela_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Pelagornis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Pelagornis/Pela_Character_BP.Pela_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Pelagornis | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Pelagornis 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pelote de réjection | Consommables | cheat gfi OwlPellet 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Pépite d'Or | Ressources | cheat gfi GoldenNugget 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Perle noire | Ressources | cheat gfi BlackPearl 1 0 0 | ARK |
Perles de Silice | Ressources | cheat gfi Silicon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Petit carré de culture | Structures | cheat gfi CropPlot_Small 1 0 0 | ARK |
Petit excrement | Consommables | cheat gfi DinoPoopSmall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pétrole | Ressources | cheat gfi Oil 1 0 0 | ARK |
Phénix | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Phoenix_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Phénix (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Phoenix/Phoenix_Character_BP.Phoenix_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Phénix | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Phoenix 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Phéromone de Reine Faucheuse | Consommables | cheat gfi Gland 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Phiomia | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PhiomiaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Phiomia | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Phiomia_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Phiomia (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Phiomia/Phiomia_Character_BP.Phiomia_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Phiomia | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Phiomia 1 0 0 | ARK |
Piédestal pour Artéfact | Structures | cheat gfi TrophyBase 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pierre | Ressources | cheat gfi Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pierre tombale | Structures | cheat gfi Furniture_Gravestone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pilier | Structures | cheat gfi StonePillar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pilier | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPillar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pilier | Structures | cheat gfi TekPillar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pilier Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobePillar 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Pilier Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodPillar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pince de Karkinos | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_CrabClaw 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Pinceau | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponPaintbrush 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pinces | Outils | cheat gfi Pliers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pinte de Bière | Consommables | cheat gfi BeerJar 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pioche en métal | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponMetalPick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pioche en pierre | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponStonePick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Piolet d'escalade | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponClimbPick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Piranha (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Piranha/Piranha_Character_BP.Piranha_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Piranha irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Piranha/Piranha_Character_BP_Aberrant.Piranha_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Pistolet à eau | Skin | cheat gfi Flamethrower_SuperSoaker 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pistolet à Peinture | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponSprayPaint 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pistolet de Détresse | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponFlareGun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pistolet semi-auto | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponMachinedPistol 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pistolet Tek | Armes | Cheat gfi kpist 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Plafond | Structures | cheat gfi StoneCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond | Structures | cheat gfi MetalCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond | Structures | cheat gfi TekCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeCeiling 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Plafond Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi hatchCeiling 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Adobe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond Triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond Triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond triangulaire | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Greenhouse 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plafond Triangulaire bois | Structures | cheat gfi TriCeiling_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plan de bataille | Structures | cheat gfi WarMap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Planche à voile Tek | Locomotion | Cheat gfi hoversail 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Planeur dorsal | Skin | cheat gfi Glider 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Plante spécimen Y (adulte) | Structures | cheat gfi PlantSpeciesYTrap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plante X (Adulte) | Structures | cheat gfi TurretPlant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plaque de pression | Structures | cheat gfi PressurePlate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron Anti-Émeute | Armures | cheat gfi RiotShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron Avatar Corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi Gen1AvatarShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron corrompu | Skin | cheat gfi CorruptedShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron de la Manticore | Skin | cheat gfi ManticoreShirt 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Plastron en cuir | Armures | cheat gfi HideShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron en métal | Armures | cheat gfi MetalShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plastron Tek | Armures | cheat gfi TekShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plateforme de saut | Structures | cheat gfi TekJumpPad 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Plateforme Océanique | Structures | cheat gfi Wood_OceanPlatform 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Plateforme Océanique | Structures | cheat gfi Metal_OceanPlatform 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Plateforme pour arbre | Structures | cheat gfi TreePlatform_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plateforme pour arbre Bois | Structures | cheat gfi TreePlatform_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plateforme rocheuse en métal | Structures | cheat gfi Metal_CliffPlatform'" 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plateforme rocheuse en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi Stone_CliffPlatform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plesiosaur Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PlesiSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plesiosaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PlesiaSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plésiosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Plesiosaur_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Plésiosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Plesiosaur/Plesiosaur_Character_BP.Plesiosaur_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Plésiosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Plesiosaur 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plésiosaure Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Plesiosaur_Character_BP_Hunt.Plesiosaur_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Plume de Dragon Rocheux | Invocation boss | cheat gfi ApexDrop_RockDrake 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Plumineux | Créature | cheat gmsummon "LanternBird_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Plumineux (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/LanternBird/LanternBird_Character_BP.LanternBird_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Plumineux | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Featherlight 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Plumineux vert | Chibis | cheat gfi Featherlight_FestiveG 1 0 0 | ARK |
Plumineux rouge | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Featherlight_FestiveR 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poche de sang | Ressources | cheat gfi BloodPack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pollen de haute qualité | Ressources | cheat gfi HighQualityPollen 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Polymère | Ressources | cheat gfi Polymer 1 0 0 | ARK |
Polymère organique | Ressources | cheat gfi Polymer_Organic 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pomme de Terre | Consommables | cheat gfi Veggie_Savoroot 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pompe à pétrole | Structures | cheat gfi oilPump 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pont Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TekBridge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte | Structures | cheat gfi MetalDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte | Structures | cheat gfi TekDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeDoor 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Porte Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoor_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte double | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoor_Greenhouse 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte double Argile | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoor_Adobe 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte double Bois | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoor_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte double Renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi DoubleDoor_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Porte renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneDoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poudre à Canon | Ressources | cheat gfi Gunpowder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poudre d'Élément fabriquée | Ressources | cheat gfi ElementDustFromShards 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poudre-étincelle | Ressources | cheat gfi Sparkpowder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poumons de Yutyrannus | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Yuty 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poussière d'élément | Ressources | cheat gfi PrimalItemResource_ElementDust 1 0 0 | ARK |
Poussin de Pâques | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_EasterChick 1 0 0 | ARK |
Présentoir mural pour trophée | Structures | cheat gfi TrophyWall 1 0 0 | ARK |
Prince Faucheur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Adolescent.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Adolescent'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Prise électrique | Structures | cheat gfi PowerOutlet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Procoptodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ProcoptodonSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Procoptodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Procoptodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Procoptodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Procoptodon/Procoptodon_Character_BP.Procoptodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Procoptodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Procoptodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Procoptodon-R | Créature | Cheat sdf procoptodon_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Pteranodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi PteroSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ptéranodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ptero_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Ptéranodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ptero/Ptero_Character_BP.Ptero_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ptéranodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Pteranodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ptéranodon Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Ptero/Ptero_Character_BP_Corrupt.Ptero_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Puit d'eau | Structures | cheat gfi WaterWell 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Pull Carnotaure Horrible | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweaterCarno 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull Chibi Horrible | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweaterChibi 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull choral de dino | Skin | cheat GFI XmasSweater_Carolers 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull Corne d'abondance Horrible | Skin | cheat gfi Sweater_Cornucopia 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Amis dans les feuilles | Skin | cheat gfi Sweater_FallFun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche de Bulldog | Skin | cheat gfi XmasSweater_Bulbdog 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Dinde cible | Skin | cheat gfi Sweater_TheHunted 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Griffes de Raptor | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweater_RaptorClaws 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Noglin cadeau | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweater_Noglin 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Revanche du Dodo | Skin | cheat gfi Sweater_DodosRevenge 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull moche Rockwell | Skin | cheat gfi WW_XmasSweater_Rockwell 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull Rex | Skin | cheat GFI XmasSweater_Rex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pull Tricératops Horrible | Skin | cheat gfi Sweater_Trike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pulmonoscorpius | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ScorpionSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pulmonoscorpius | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Scorpion_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Pulmonoscorpius (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Scorpion/Scorpion_Character_BP.Scorpion_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Pulmonoscorpius | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Pulmonoscorpius 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pulmonoscorpius irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Scorpion_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Pulmonoscorpius irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Scorpion/Scorpion_Character_BP_Aberrant.Scorpion_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Purlovia | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Purlovia_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Purlovia (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Purlovia/Purlovia_Character_BP.Purlovia_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Purlovia irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Purlovia_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Purlovia irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Purlovia/Purlovia_Character_BP_Aberrant.Purlovia_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Pyromane | Créature | cheat gmsummon "FireLion_Character_BP_C" 150 | The Center |
Pyromane (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/FireLion/FireLion_Character_BP.FireLion_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | The Center |
Quetzal | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi QuetzSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Quetzal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicQuetzal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal Platforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi QuetzSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneQuetz 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Quetz_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Quetzal squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Quetzalcoatlus/Bone_Quetz_Character_BP.Bone_Quetz_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Quetzal squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Quetzal_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Quetzal Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicQuetz_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Quetzal Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Quetzalcoatlus/BionicQuetz_Character_BP.BionicQuetz_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Quetzal Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Quetzalcoatlus/BionicQuetz_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicQuetz_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Quetzal-R | Créature | Cheat sdf quetz_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Quetzalcoatlus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Quetz_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Quetzalcoatlus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Quetzalcoatlus/Quetz_Character_BP.Quetz_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Queue de lapin | Skin | cheat GFI BunnyTail 1 0 0 | ARK |
Radeau à moteur | Structures | cheat gfi Motorboat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Radeau Bois | Structures | cheat gfi Raft 1 0 0 | ARK |
Radio | Outils | cheat gfi Radio 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ragoût d'énergie | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_EnduroStew 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rail pour monte charge en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodElevatorTrack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rail pour monte charge en metal | Structures | cheat gfi ElevatorTrackBase 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rampe | Structures | cheat gfi MetalRamp 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rampe | Structures | cheat gfi TekRamp 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Rampe Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeRamp 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rampe Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodRamp 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RaptorSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Raptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Raptor (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP.Raptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Raptor | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Raptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/MegaRaptor_Character_BP.MegaRaptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Raptor Animated Series | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_RaptorAnimatedSeries 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor ARK: The Animated Series | Skin | cheat GFI AnimeRaptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicRaptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP_Corrupt.Raptor_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Raptor Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRRaptor_Character_BP.VRRaptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Raptor irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Raptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Raptor irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP_Aberrant.Raptor_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Raptor squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneRaptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_MegaRaptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Raptor squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Bone_MegaRaptor_Character_BP.Bone_MegaRaptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Raptor squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Raptor_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicRaptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Raptor Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/BionicRaptor_Character_BP.BionicRaptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Raptor Tek | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_TEKRaptor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Raptor Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/BionicRaptor_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicRaptor_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Raptor-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bog_Raptor_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Raptor-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Bog_Raptor/Bog_Raptor_Character_BP.Bog_Raptor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Raptor-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Bog/Bog_Raptor_Character_BP_Hunt.Bog_Raptor_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Rat des profondeurs | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi MoleRatSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Rat des profondeurs | Créature | cheat gmsummon "MoleRat_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Rat des profondeurs (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/MoleRat/MoleRat_Character_BP.MoleRat_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Rat des profondeurs | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_MoleRat 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Ravageur | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi CavewolfSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Ravageur | Créature | cheat gmsummon "CaveWolf_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
Ravageur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/CaveWolf/CaveWolf_Character_BP.CaveWolf_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Récepteur pour Transpondeur | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponTransGPS 1 0 0 | ARK |
Refrigerateur | Structures | cheat gfi IceBox 1 0 0 | ARK |
Reine Faucheuse (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Female.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Female'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Reine Nameless (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP.Xenomorph_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Reine Wyverne de Cristal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Hard.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Hard'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Medium.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Medium'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Easy.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Boss_Easy'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Renne | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Reindeer 1 0 0 | ARK |
Renne de Noël (Mégalocéros) | Skin | cheat gfi ReindeerStag 1 0 0 | ARK |
Réplicateur | Structures | cheat gfi TekReplicator 1 0 0 | ARK |
Répulsif à insectes | Consommables | cheat gfi BugRepellant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Reservoir d'eau | Structures | cheat gfi WaterTank 1 0 0 | ARK |
Réservoir d'eau | Structures | cheat gfi WaterTankMetal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Révolver | Armes | cheat gfi WeaponGun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RexSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Rex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex fantôme | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ghost_Rex_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Rex fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/Ghost_Rex_Character_BP.Ghost_Rex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Rex fantôme | Chibis | cheat gfi RexGhost 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex fêtard | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_PartyRex 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Rex_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rex Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RexSaddle_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rhinocéros laineux | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi RhinoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rhinocéros laineux | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Rhino_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Rhinocéros laineux (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/WoollyRhino/Rhino_Character_BP.Rhino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Rhinocéros laineux | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_WoollyRhino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rhinocéros laineux-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Snow_Rhino_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Rhinocéros laineux-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Snow_WoollyRhino/Snow_Rhino_Character_BP.Snow_Rhino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Riquiqui Titano | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_titano 1 0 0 | ARK |
Robinet | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeTap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Robinet | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeTap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rockwell (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP.Rockwell_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Rockwell (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Hard.Rockwell_Character_BP_Hard'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Rockwell (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Medium.Rockwell_Character_BP_Medium'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Rockwell (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/Rockwell/Rockwell_Character_BP_Easy.Rockwell_Character_BP_Easy'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Rockwell-R | Créature | Cheat sdf turtle_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Roi des Titans (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/KingKaiju/KingKaiju_Character_BP_Alpha.KingKaiju_Character_BP_Alpha'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Roi des Titans (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/KingKaiju/KingKaiju_Character_BP_Beta.KingKaiju_Character_BP_Beta'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Roi des Titans (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/KingKaiju/KingKaiju_Character_BP.KingKaiju_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Roi Faucheur (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Roi Faucheur (Apprivoisé) | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_C" 150 | Aberration |
Roi Faucheur (Apprivoisé) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Roi Faucheur Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Lunar/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Hunt.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Roi Faucheur Brutal blessé (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Retrieve/Lunar/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Brute_Retrieve.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_InitialBuryOnly_Brute_Retrieve'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Roi Faucheur Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Nameless/Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_Corrupt.Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Tamed_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Roi Faucheur de la surface (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/MegaXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface.MegaXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Roi Faucheur de la surface fantôme (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Dinos/Nameless/Ghost_Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface.Ghost_Xenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Surface'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Roi Faucheur Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Minion.VRXenomorph_Character_BP_Male_Minion'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Roquette | Munitions | cheat gfi Rocket 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ruche | Structures | cheat gfi BeeHive 1 0 0 | ARK |
Rhyniognatha | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Rhynio_character_bp_c" 150 | ARK |
Rhyniognatha (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rhyniognatha/Rhynio_character_BP.Rhynio_character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Rhyniognatha | Selle et plateformes | cheat gfi RhynioSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sable | Ressources | cheat gfi Sand 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Sac à Gaz-R | Créature | Cheat sdf gasbags_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Sac de couchage | Structures | cheat gfi SleepingBag_Hide 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sacagaz | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi GasBagsSaddle 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Sacagaz | Créature | cheat gmsummon "GasBags_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Sacagaz (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/GasBag/GasBags_Character_BP.GasBags_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Sacagaz | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Gasbag 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Saloir | Structures | cheat gfi Vessel 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Salto arrière (sauvage) | Emote | cheat giveitem "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/CoreBlueprints/Items/Consumables/BaseBPs/PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockEmote_Backflip.PrimalItemConsumable_UnlockEmote_Backflip'" 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sang de Sangsue | Ressources | cheat gfi LeechBlood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sang de Sangsue ou Cornes | Ressources | cheat gfi Curing 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sangsue (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Leech/Leech_Character.Leech_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Sangsue porteuse de maladie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Leech/Leech_Character_Diseased.Leech_Character_Diseased'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Sarco | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SarcoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sarcosuchus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sarco_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Sarcosuchus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sarco/Sarco_Character_BP.Sarco_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Sarcosuchus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Sarco 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sarcosuchus Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Bog/Sarco_Character_BP_Hunt.Sarco_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Sarcosuchus irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sarco_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Sarcosuchus irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Sarco/Sarco_Character_BP_Aberrant.Sarco_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Saumon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Salmon/Salmon_Character_BP.Salmon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Saumon irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Salmon/Salmon_Character_Aberrant.Salmon_Character_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Saumon-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Lunar_Salmon_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Saumon-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Lunar_Salmon/Lunar_Salmon_Character_BP.Lunar_Salmon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Savon | Consommables | cheat gfi Soap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sel brut | Ressources | cheat gfi RawSalt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sel de conservation | Ressources | cheat gfi PreservingSalt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Selle d'apparat de Ravageur | Skin | cheat gfi CavewolfPromoSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Selle de Maewing | Selle | Cheat gfi lkg 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Selle de vagabond pour Lézard épineux | Skin | cheat gfi SpineyLizardPromoSaddle 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Selle élégante de Parasaure | Skin | cheat gfi ParaSaddle_Launch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Selle Tek d'Astrodelphis | Selle | Cheat gfi cedo 1 0 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Serre d'Argentavis | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Argentavis 1 0 0 | ARK |
Serre de Cristal | Invocation boss | cheat gfi CrystalWyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Serre de Cristal Alpha | Invocation boss | cheat gfi AlphaCrystalWyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Serre de feu | Invocation boss | cheat gfi FireWyvern 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Serre du poison | Invocation boss | cheat gfi PoisonWyvern 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Serre du tonnerre | Invocation boss | cheat gfi LightningWyvern 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Sève | Ressources | cheat gfi Sap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sève cristallisée bleue | Ressources | cheat gfi BlueSap 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sève cristallisée rouge | Ressources | cheat gfi RedSap 1 0 0 | ARK |
ShadowMane | Créature | Cheat sdf lionfi 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Shastasaurus | Créature | cheat gmsummon Shastasaurus_Character_BP_C 150 | The Center |
Shastasaurus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/Shastasaurus/Shastasaurus_Character_BP.Shastasaurus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | The Center |
Silencieux | Armes | cheat gfi Silencer 1 0 0 | ARK |
Silex | Ressources | cheat gfi Flint 1 0 0 | ARK |
Silice | Ressources | cheat gfi Silicate 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sinomacrops | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Sinomacrops_Character_BP_C" 150 | Lost Island |
Sinomacrops | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Sinomacrops 1 0 0 | Lost Island |
Skiff | Locomotion | cheat GFI HoverSkiff 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Skin de bouclier de la Saint-Valentin | Skin | cheat GFI Vday_Shield 1 0 0 | ARK |
Skin de lunettes de soleil de la Saint-Valentin | Skin | cheat GFI SunGlasses_Vday 1 0 0 | ARK |
Smilodon | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SaberSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Smilodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Saber_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Smilodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Saber/Saber_Character_BP.Saber_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Smilodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Saber 1 0 0 | ARK |
Smilodon X | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_SaberX 1 0 0 | ARK |
Smilodon-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Snow_Saber_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Smilodon-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Snow_Saber/Snow_Saber_Character_BP.Snow_Saber_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Sniper Tek | Armes | cheat gfi TekSniper 1 0 0 | ARK |
Soie | Ressources | cheat gfi Silk 1 0 0 | ARK |
Soufre | Ressources | cheat gfi Sulfur 1 0 0 | ARK |
Soupe au champignon | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_MushroomSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Soupe de Bingleberry | Consommables | cheat gfi BerrySoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Soupe piquante | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_CalienSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Spatule à grillades | Skin | cheat gfi Club_BBQSpatula 1 0 0 | ARK |
Sphère de Gaz congelé | Ressources | cheat gfi Gas 1 0 0 | ARK |
Spinosaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SpinoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Spinosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Spino_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Spinosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spino/Spino_Character_BP.Spino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Spinosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Spino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Spinosaure Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Spino/Spino_Character_BP_Corrupt.Spino_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Spinosaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Spino_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Spinosaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Spino/Spino_Character_BP_Aberrant.Spino_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Spinosaure-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bog_Spino_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Spinosaure-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Bog_Spino/Bog_Spino_Character_BP.Bog_Spino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Spinosaure-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Bog/Bog_Spino_Character_BP_Hunt.Bog_Spino_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Steak de vision nocturne | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_ShadowSteak 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stego | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi StegoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stégosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Stego_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/Stego_Character_BP.Stego_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Stego 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stégosaure Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicStego 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stégosaure Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Stego/Stego_Character_BP_Corrupt.Stego_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Stégosaure irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Stego_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Stégosaure irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/Stego_Character_BP_Aberrant.Stego_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Stégosaure squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneStego 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stégosaure squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Stego_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/Bone_Stego_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Stego_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stégosaure Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicStego_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/BionicStego_Character_BP.BionicStego_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Stégosaure Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Stego/BionicStego_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicStego_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Stimberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Stimberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stimulant | Ressources | cheat gfi Stimulant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stimulant | Consommables | cheat gfi Stimulant 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stockage Dédié | Structures | cheat gfi DedicatedStorage 1 0 0 | ARK |
Stryder | Créature | Cheat sdf strider 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Stryder Tek | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_TekStryder 1 0 0 | |
Stygimoloch | Skin | cheat gfi Stygimoloch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Styracosaure | Skin | cheat gfi Styracosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Substrat absorbant | Ressources | cheat gfi SubstrateAbsorbent 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Summoner | Créature | Cheat sdf summon 0 1 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Super dinde | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Turkey_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Super dinde (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/Turkey_Character_BP.Turkey_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Super fertilisant | Ressources | cheat gfi MiracleGro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Super fertilisant | Consommables | cheat gfi MiracleGro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Support de Clôture | Structures | cheat gfi FenceSupport_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Support de Clôture | Structures | cheat gfi FenceSupport_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Support pour Clôture | Structures | cheat gfi FenceSupport_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Support pour Clôture | Structures | cheat gfi FenceSupport_Adobe 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Support pour Clôture | Structures | cheat gfi FenceSupport_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-Rex | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Rex_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
T-Rex (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/Rex_Character_BP.Rex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
T-Rex (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/MegaRex_Character_BP.MegaRex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
T-Rex Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi BionicRex 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-Rex Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Rex/Rex_Character_BP_Corrupt.Rex_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
T-Rex Corrompu enragé (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Rex/MegaRex_Character_BP_Corrupt.MegaRex_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
T-Rex Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRRex_Character_BP.VRRex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Rex fantôme | Skin | cheat gfi GhostRex 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-Rex squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneRex 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-Rex squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_MegaRex_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
T-Rex squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/Bone_MegaRex_Character_BP.Bone_MegaRex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
T-Rex Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicRex_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
T-Rex Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/BionicRex_Character_BP.BionicRex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
T-Rex Tek brutal dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Lunar/BionicRex_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Hunt.BionicRex_Character_BP_Malfunctioned_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Rex Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Rex/BionicRex_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicRex_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Rex-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Volcano_Rex_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Rex-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Volcano_Rex/Volcano_Rex_Character_BP.Volcano_Rex_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Rex-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Volcanic/Volcano_Rex_Character_BP_Hunt.Volcano_Rex_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
T-Shirt Noglin | Skin | cheat gfi CoolNoglin 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-shirt planche à voile Tek | Skin | cheat gfi Shirt_Hoversail 1 0 0 | ARK |
T-Shirt Shadowmane | Skin | cheat gfi Shirt_Shadowmane 1 0 0 | ARK |
Table Bois | Structures | cheat gfi Furniture_WoodTable 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tambour de guerre | Structures | cheat gfi Wardrums 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tapejara | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TapejaraSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tapejara | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Tapejara_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Tapejara (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tapejara/Tapejara_Character_BP.Tapejara_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Tapejara | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Tapejara 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tapejara Tek | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi Tapejara_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tapejara-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bog_Tapejara_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tapejara-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Bog_Tapejara/Bog_Tapejara_Character_BP.Bog_Tapejara_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tapis touffu | Structures | cheat gfi Furniture_Rug 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tartare de Combat | Consommables | cheat gfi Soup_BattleTartare 1 0 0 | ARK |
Télécommande pour Éclaireur | Armes | cheat gfi ScoutRemote 1 0 0 | ARK |
Téléporteur | Structures | cheat gfi TekTeleporter 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tentacule de Rockwell (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Tentacule de Rockwell (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Alpha.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Alpha'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Tentacule de Rockwell (Beta) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Beta.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Beta'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Tentacule de Rockwell (Gamma) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Aberration/Boss/RockwellTentacle/RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Gamma.RockwellTentacle_Character_BP_Gamma'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Tentacule de Tusoteuthis | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Tuso 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tente | Structures | cheat gfi Tent 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tenue complète de la Fédération | Armures | Cheat Givearmorset tek2 0 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Tête de Pâques | Skin | cheat gfi EggNestHat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Thérizinosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Therizino_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Thérizinosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Therizinosaurus/Therizino_Character_BP.Therizino_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Thérizinosaure | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Therizino 1 0 0 | ARK |
Therizinosaurus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TherizinosaurusSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Thylacoleo | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi ThylacoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Thylacoleo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Thylacoleo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Thylacoleo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Thylacoleo/Thylacoleo_Character_BP.Thylacoleo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Thylacoleo | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Thylacoleo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Thylacoleo-R | Créature | Cheat sdf thylacoleo_character_bp_e 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Tintoberry | Consommables | cheat gfi Berry_Tintoberry 1 0 0 | ARK |
Titan de Glace | Créature | cheat gmsummon "IceKaiju_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Titan de Glace (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/IceKaiju/IceKaiju_Character_BP.IceKaiju_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Titan des Forêts | Créature | cheat gmsummon "ForestKaiju_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Titan des Forêts (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/ForestKaiju/ForestKaiju_Character_BP.ForestKaiju_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Titan du Désert | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DesertKaiju_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Titan du Désert (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/DesertKaiju/DesertKaiju_Character_BP.DesertKaiju_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Titanoboa | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BoaFrill_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Titanoboa (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/BoaFrill/BoaFrill_Character_BP.BoaFrill_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Titanoboa irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BoaFrill_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Titanoboa irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/BoaFrill/BoaFrill_Character_BP_Aberrant.BoaFrill_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Titanomyrma (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ant/Ant_Character_BP.Ant_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Titanomyrma (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Ant/FlyingAnt_Character_BP.FlyingAnt_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Titanosaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Titanosaur_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Titanosaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/titanosaur/Titanosaur_Character_BP.Titanosaur_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Titanosaure Plateforme | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TitanSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toile à peinture | Structures | cheat gfi PaintingCanvas 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toilette | Structures | cheat gfi Toilet 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StoneRoof 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalRoof' 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TekRoof 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné pour Serre | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseRoof 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné Argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeRoof 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Toit incliné Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodRoof 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit incliné Chaume | Structures | cheat gfi ThatchRoof 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit Triangulaire en bois | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit triangulaire en Argile | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Adobe 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Toit triangulaire en Pierre | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit triangulaire en Métal | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit Triangulaire en Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Tek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toit triangulaire pour Serre | Structures | cheat gfi TriRoof_Greenhouse 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tonic d'amnésie totale | Consommables | cheat gfi RespecSoup 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tonneau de biere | Structures | cheat gfi BeerBarrel 1 0 0 | ARK |
Torche | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponTorch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Torche du désert | Skin | cheat gfi TorchScorched 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Torche murale | Structures | cheat gfi WallTorch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Torche sur pied | Structures | cheat gfi StandingTorch 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle automatique | Structures | cheat gfi Turret 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle automatique lourde | Structures | cheat gfi HeavyTurret 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle baliste | Structures | cheat gfi TurretBallista 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle Catapulte | Structures | cheat gfi TurretCatapult 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle lance roquette | Structures | cheat gfi TurretRocket 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle minigun | Structures | cheat gfi TurretMinigun 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tourelle Tek | Structures | cheat gfi TurretTek 1 0 0 | ARK |
Toxine de Megalania | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Megalania 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tranche de gâteau | Consommables | cheat gfi CakeSlice 1 0 0 | ARK |
Transpondeur | Accessoires | cheat gfi TransGPSAmmo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trappe | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trappe | Structures | cheat gfi MetalTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trappe | Structures | cheat gfi TekTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trappe Bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trappe renforcée | Structures | cheat gfi StoneTrapdoor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Trike_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Tricératops (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trike/Trike_Character_BP.Trike_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Tricératops | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Trike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops Bionique | Skin | cheat gfi bionictrike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Trike/Trike_Character_BP_Corrupt.Trike_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Tricératops Dinotar Corrompu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/VR/VRTrike_Character_BP.VRTrike_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops enragé (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Trike/MegaTrike_Character_BP_Corrupt.MegaTrike_Character_BP_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Tricératops irradié | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Trike_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Tricératops irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trike/Trike_Character_BP_Aberrant.Trike_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Triceratops Saddle | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TrikeSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneTrike 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_Trike_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Tricératops squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trike/Bone_Trike_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Tricératops squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Trike_Bone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tricératops Tek | Créature | cheat gmsummon "BionicTrike_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops Tek (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trike/BionicTrike_Character_BP.BionicTrike_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops Tek dysfonctionnel (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trike/BionicTrike_Character_BP_Malfunctioned.BionicTrike_Character_BP_Malfunctioned'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Volcano_Trike_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Volcano_Trike/Volcano_Trike_Character_BP.Volcano_Trike_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tricératops-X (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Retrieve/Volcanic/Volcano_Trike_Character_BP_Retrieve_Alpha.Volcano_Trike_Character_BP_Retrieve_Alpha'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trilobite (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trilobite/Trilobite_Character.Trilobite_Character'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Trilobite irradié (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Trilobite/Trilobite_Character_Aberrant.Trilobite_Character_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 150 | Aberration |
Tronçonneuse | Outils | cheat gfi ChainSaw 1 0 0 | ARK |
Troodon | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Troodon_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Troodon (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Troodon/Troodon_Character_BP.Troodon_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Troodon | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Troodon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tropeognathus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TropeSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tropeognathus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Tropeognathus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Crystal Isles |
Tropeognathus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tropeognathus/Tropeognathus_Character_BP.Tropeognathus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Tropeognathus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Tropeognathus 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Trophé de Fenrir | Trophées | cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_FenrirBoss 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Trophé de Fenrir Gamma | Trophées | cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_FenrirBoss_Gamma 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Trophé de Fenrir Beta | Trophées | cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_FenrirBoss_Beta 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Trophé de Fenrir Alpha | Trophées | cheat gfi PrimalItemTrophy_FenrirBoss_Alpha 1 0 0 | Fjordur |
Trophée de la Broodmother | Trophées | cheat gfi Broodmother 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée de la Broodmother (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Broodmother_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée de la Broodmother (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Broodmother_Beta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée de la Broodmother (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Broodmother_Gamma 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée de la Manticore | Trophées | cheat gfi Manticore 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Trophée de la Manticore (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Manticore_Alpha 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Trophée de la Manticore (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Manticore_Beta 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Trophée de la Manticore (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Manticore_Gamma 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Trophée de la Reine Wyverne de Cristal | Trophées | cheat gfi CIBoss 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Trophée de la Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi CIBoss_Alpha 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Trophée de la Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi CIBoss_Beta 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Trophée de la Reine Wyverne de Cristal (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi CIBoss_Gamma 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Trophée de la Wyverne Alpha | Trophées | cheat gfi AlphaWyvern 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Trophée de Rockwell (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Rockwell_Beta_Alpha 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Trophée de Rockwell (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Rockwell_Beta 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Trophée de Rockwell (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Rockwell 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Trophée du Dragon | Trophées | cheat gfi Dragon 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Dragon (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Dragon_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Dragon (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Dragon_Beta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Dragon (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Dragon_Gamma 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Maître contrôleur | Trophées | cheat gfi MasterController 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trophée du Megapithecus | Trophées | cheat gfi Gorilla 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Megapithecus (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Gorilla_Alpha 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Megapithecus (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Gorilla_Beta 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du Megapithecus (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Gorilla_Gamma 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée de la Moeder | Trophées | cheat gfi EelBoss 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trophée de la Moeder (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi EelBoss_Alpha 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trophée de la Moeder (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi EelBoss_Beta 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trophée de la Moeder (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi EelBoss_Gamma 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Trophée de Rockwell Prime | Trophées | cheat gfi Trophy_RockwellGen2 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Trophée de Rockwell Primel (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Trophy_RockwellGen2_Gamma 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Trophée de Rockwell Prime (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Trophy_RockwellGen2_Beta 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Trophée de Rockwell Primel (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Trophy_RockwellGen2_Alpha 1 0 0 | Genesis: Part 2 |
Trophée du Roi des Titans (Alpha) | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_King_Alpha 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du Roi des Titans (Beta) | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_King_Beta 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du Roi des Titans (Gamma) | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_King_Gamma 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du survivant | Trophées | cheat gfi ARKLogo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Trophée du T-Rex Alpha | Trophées | cheat gfi AlphaRex 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du Titan de Glace | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_Ice 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du Titan de la Forêt | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_Forest 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du Titan du Désert | Trophées | cheat gfi Kaiju_Desert 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Trophée du verre des sables Alpha | Trophées | cheat gfi AlphaWorm 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Tumeur Corrompue (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/KingKaiju/CorruptTumor_Character_BP.CorruptTumor_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Tusoteuthis | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi TusoSaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tusoteuthis | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Tusoteuthis (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tusoteuthis/Tusoteuthis_Character_BP.Tusoteuthis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Tusoteuthis | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Tuso 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tusoteuthis (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Tusoteuthis/Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP.Mega_Tusoteuthis_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Tusoteuthis Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Ocean/Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_Hunt.Tusoteuthis_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Tuyau admission en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeIntake 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau d'admission en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeIntake 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau d'irrigation en métal - Flexible | Structures | cheat gfi PipeFlex_Metal 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau en pierre - Flexible | Structures | cheat gfi PipeFlex_Stone 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau horizontal en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeStraight 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau horizontal en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeStraight 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau incliné en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeIncline 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau incliné en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeIncline 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau Intersection en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeIntersection 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau vertical en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StonePipeVertical 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau vertical en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeVertical 1 0 0 | ARK |
Tuyau-Intersection en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalPipeIntersection 1 0 0 | ARK |
Unité de Défense (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Tank/Defender_Character_BP.Defender_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Vautour | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Vulture_Character_BP_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Vautour | Chibis | cheat GFI PrimalItemSkin_ChibiDino_Vulture 1 0 0 | ARK |
Vautour (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Vulture/Vulture_Character_BP.Vulture_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Velonasaure | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi SpindlesSaddle 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Vélonasaure | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Spindles_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Vélonasaure (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Spindles/Spindles_Character_BP.Spindles_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Velonasaure | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_Velonasaur 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Velonasaure-R | Créature | Cheat sdf spindles_character_bp_r 1 150 | Genesis : Part 2 |
Venin de Nameless | Consommables | cheat gfi NamelessVenom 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Venin de Titanoboa | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Boa 1 0 0 | ARK |
Ver des sables | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/DeathWorm/DeathWorm_Character_BP.DeathWorm_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Ver des sables (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Deathworm/MegaDeathworm_Character_BP.MegaDeathworm_Character_BP'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Vertèbre de Sauropode | Invocation boss | cheat gfi Sauro 1 0 0 | ARK |
Vessie de Sacagaz | Invocation boss | cheat gfi GasBag 1 0 0 | ARK |
Veste anti-radiation | Armures | cheat gfi HazardSuitShirt 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Veste d'Homo Deus | Skin | cheat gfi HomoDeusShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Veste de Camouflage | Armures | cheat gfi GhillieShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Veste du désert | Armures | cheat gfi DesertClothShirt 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Veste en chitine | Armures | cheat gfi ChitinShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Veste en fourrure | Armures | cheat gfi FurShirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande avariée | Consommables | cheat gfi SpoiledMeat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande crue | Consommables | cheat gfi RawMeat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande cuite | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedMeat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande cuite séchée | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedMeat_Jerky 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande cuite supérieure | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedPrimeMeat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande de mouton | Consommables | cheat gfi RawMutton 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande supérieure crue | Consommables | cheat gfi RawPrimeMeat 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viande supérieure séchée | Consommables | cheat gfi CookedPrimeMeat_Jerky 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viseur Holographique | Armes | cheat gfi HoloScope 1 0 0 | ARK |
Viseur Laser | Armes | cheat gfi Laser 1 0 0 | ARK |
Voidwyrm | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_VoidWyvern 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet en métal | Structures | cheat gfi MetalWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet en tek | Structures | cheat gfi TekWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet pour serre | Structures | cheat gfi GreenhouseWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet en argile | Structures | cheat gfi AdobeWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet en bois | Structures | cheat gfi WoodWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Volet renforcé en pierre | Structures | cheat gfi StoneWindow 1 0 0 | ARK |
Water Jug Bug (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Jugbug/Jugbug_Water_Character_BP.Jugbug_Water_Character_BP'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_Base_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Base.Wyvern_Character_BP_Base'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Wyvern 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne Corrompue (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Extinction/Dinos/Corrupt/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Corrupt.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_Corrupt'" 0 0 0 150 | Extinction |
Wyverne de Cristal | Créature | cheat gmsummon "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_C" 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de cristal | Chibis | cheat GFI ChibiDino_WyvernCrystal 1 0 0 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Braise | Créature | cheat gmsummon "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Ember_C" 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Braise (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Ember.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Ember'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Braise Héritière (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/Minions/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_Ember.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_Ember'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Sang | Créature | cheat gmsummon "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Blood_C" 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Sang (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Blood.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Blood'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Sang (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Mega'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal de Sang Héritière (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/Minions/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_Blood.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_Blood'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal Tropicale | Créature | cheat gmsummon "CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_WS_C" 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal Tropicale (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/CrystalWyvern/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_WS.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_WS'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Cristal Tropicale Héritière (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/CrystalIsles/Assets/Dinos/CIBoss/Minions/CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_WS.CrystalWyvern_Character_BP_Minion_WS'" 0 0 0 150 | Crystal Isles |
Wyverne de Feu | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Feu (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Feu (Alpha) (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/MegaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire.MegaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire'" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de feu Brutale (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Gauntlet/Volcanic/Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_GauntletBoss.Wyvern_Character_BP_Fire_GauntletBoss'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Wyverne de Feu squelettique | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Bone_MegaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Feu squelettique (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Bone_MegaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire.Bone_MegaWyvern_Character_BP_Fire'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de feu Zombie | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieFire_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de feu Zombie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieFire.Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieFire'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Foudre | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Foudre (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning.Wyvern_Character_BP_Lightning'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Foudre Zombie | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieLightning_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Foudre Zombie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieLightning.Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombieLightning'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne de Glace | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice_C" 150 | Ragnarok |
Wyverne de Glace (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Mods/Ragnarok/Custom_Assets/Dinos/Wyvern/Ice_Wyvern/Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice.Ragnarok_Wyvern_Override_Ice'" 0 0 0 150 | Ragnarok |
Wyverne du Poison | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne du Poison (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison.Wyvern_Character_BP_Poison'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne du Poison Zombie | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombiePoison_C" 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne du Poison Zombie (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ScorchedEarth/Dinos/Wyvern/Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombiePoison.Wyvern_Character_BP_ZombiePoison'" 0 0 0 150 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne squelette | Skin | cheat gfi BoneWyvern 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne squelettique | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Wyvern_Bone 1 0 0 | Scorched Earth |
Wyverne Tek | Créature | Cheat sdf tekwyv 1 150 | ARK |
Wyverne Zombie | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Wyvern_Zombie 1 0 0 | ARK |
Yéti (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Bigfoot/Yeti_Character_BP.Yeti_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Yeux de vampire | Skin | cheat gfi VampireEyes 1 0 0 | ARK |
Yutyrannus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi YutySaddle 1 0 0 | ARK |
Yutyrannus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Yutyrannus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Yutyrannus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Yutyrannus/Yutyrannus_Character_BP.Yutyrannus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Yutyrannus | Chibis | cheat gfi ChibiDino_Yutyrannus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Yutyrannus-X | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Snow_Yutyrannus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Yutyrannus-X (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/BiomeVariants/Snow_Yutyrannus/Snow_Yutyrannus_Character_BP.Snow_Yutyrannus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Yutyrannus-X Brutal (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Genesis/Dinos/MissionVariants/Hunt/Arctic/Snow_Yutyrannus_Character_BP_Hunt.Snow_Yutyrannus_Character_BP_Hunt'" 0 0 0 150 | Genesis: Part 1 |
Zomdodo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "ZombieDodo_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Zomdodo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Dodo/ZombieDodo_Character_BP.ZombieDodo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 150 | ARK |
Cloche | Structures | cheat gfi TownBell 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tabouret | Structures | cheat gfi SaloonStool 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Lampe à huile et ses variants | Structures | cheat gfi OilLamp 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Chaise du saloon | Structures | cheat gfi SaloonChair 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Piano | Structures | cheat gfi SaloonPiano 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
pot de culture | Structures | cheat gfi PlantPot 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Chaise en cuir | Structures | cheat gfi FancyChair 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Feuille de dessin | Structures | cheat gfi DrawingSheet 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Cercueil en bois | Structures | cheat gfi Coffin 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Canapé en cuir | Structures | cheat gfi FancyCouch 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pancarte | Structures | cheat gfi HangingSign 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Moulin à vent | Structures | cheat gfi Windmill 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Table de poker | Structures | cheat gfi Poker 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tonneau | Structures | cheat gfi StorageBox_Barrel 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Table ronde du saloon | Structures | cheat gfi SaloonTable 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Réservoir d'eau | Structures | cheat gfi WaterTank_Large 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Rails de train droit | Structures | cheat gfi Straight_Wood 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Rails et ses variants | Structures | cheat gfi TrainTrack 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Train | Structures | cheat gfi Train 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Echafaudage | Structures | cheat gfi Wall_Scaffolding 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Trésor | Structures | cheat gfi TreasureCache 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Oasisaur | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Oasisaur_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pelle | Outils | cheat gfi WeaponShovel 1 1 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Platform de train | Structures | cheat gfi platform 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Charette pour dino | Structures | cheat gfi cart 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Rancher | Skin | cheat gfi rancher 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Sinister | Skin | cheat gfi sinister 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Frontier | Skin Structures | cheat gfi frontier 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Bowler | Skin | cheat gfi bowler 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Drifterboots | Skin | cheat gfi drifterboots 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Driftergloves | Skin | cheat gfi driftergloves 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Drifterhat | Skin | cheat gfi drifterhat 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Drifterpants | Skin | cheat gfi drifterpants 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Driftershirt | Skin | cheat gfi driftershirt 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
YiLing | Créature | cheat gmsummon "YiLing_Character_BP_C" 150 | Aberration |
YiLing | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi yi 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Gigantoraptor aberrant | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Gigantoraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Gigantoraptor aberrant (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/Gigantoraptor/Gigantoraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant.Gigantoraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 1 | Aberration |
Oviraptor aberrant | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Oviraptor aberrant (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Oviraptor/Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant.Oviraptor_Character_BP_Aberrant'" 0 0 0 1 | Aberration |
Fasolasuchus Aberrant | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Fasola_Character_BP_Aberrant_C" 150 | Aberration |
Fasolasuchus Aberrant (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/Fasolasuchus/Fasola_Character_BP_Aberrant'.Fasola_Character_BP_Aberrant''" 0 0 0 1 | Aberration |
Fasolasuchus Aberrant | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi FasolasuchusSaddle 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Horloge | Structures | cheat gfi steampunkClock 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Incubateur d'embryons | Structures | cheat gfi EmbryoIncubator 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Infuseur de gènes | Structures | cheat gfi GeneInfuser 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Bac de conservation industriel | Structures | cheat gfi lpr 1 1 0 | Aberration |
Bibliothèque Stockage | Structures | cheat gfi LibraryStorage 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Lumière à vapeur | Structures | cheat gfi steamLight 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Stockage en réseau | Structures | cheat gfi LinkedStorage 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Forge à vapeur | Structures | cheat gfi SteamForge 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Projecteur de lumière | Structures | cheat gfi SpotLight 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Bobine Tesla | Structures | cheat gfi TeslaCoil 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Bureau de bricolage | Structures | cheat gfi TinkeringDesk 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Scanner de gènes | Outils | cheat gfi Scanner 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Zeppelin (ballon dirigeable) | Structures | cheat gfi Zeppelin 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Chronomètre temporel | Outils | cheat gfi Stopwatch 1 0 0 | Aberration |
Goo Pistolet | Outils | cheat gfi GooGun 1 0 0 | Aberration |
AcrocanthosaurusAA Ascended | Créature | cheat gmsummon "AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
AcrocanthosaurusAA Scorched | Créature | cheat gmsummon "SE_AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
AcrocanthosaurusAA Scorched | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/AAAcro/Dinos/SE_AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP.SE_AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP''" 0 0 0 1 | ARK |
AcrocanthosaurusAA Ascended | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/AAAcro/Dinos/Asc_AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP.Asc_AcrocanthosaurusAA_Character_BP''" 0 0 0 1 | ARK |
Dreadmare | Créature | cheat gmsummon "DarkPegasus_Character_BP_C" 150 | ARK |
Dreadmare (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/DarkPegasus/DarkPegasus_Character_BP.DarkPegasus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 1 | ARK |
Dreadnoughtus | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Dreadnoughtus_Character_BP_C" 150 | Extinction |
Dreadnoughtus (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/ASA/Dinos/Dreadnoughtus/Dreadnoughtus_Character_BP.Dreadnoughtus_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 1 | Extinction |
Armadoggo | Créature | cheat gmsummon "Doggo_Character_BP" 150 | Extinction |
Armadoggo (sauvage) | Créature | cheat SpawnDino "Blueprint'/Game/Packs/Wasteland/Dinos/Doggo/Doggo_Character_BP.Doggo_Character_BP'" 0 0 0 1 | Extinction |
Garage pour 4X 4 | Structures | cheat gfi garage 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Laboratoir Tek | Structures | cheat gfi ChemBench_tek 1 0 0 | Extinction |
Tourelle organique | Structures | cheat gfi AntiFlyerTurret 1 0 0 | ARK |
Broyeur organique | Structures | cheat gfi BioGrinder 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lampes et éclairages | Structures | cheat gfi WastelandLights 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tour de la tribu | Structures | cheat gfi TribeTower 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Trophé tour de la tribu | Trophées | cheat gfi PrimalItemStructure_TribeTower 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Dreadnoughtus | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DreadSaddle_Platform 1 0 0 | ARK |
Lance-flammes à tourelle | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Turret_Flamethrower 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tourelle de fusil de chasse | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Turret_Shotgun 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tourelle Minigun | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Turret_Minigun 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Tourelle de recherche | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Turret_FlightSeeker 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Réacteur | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Rearmod_Afterburner 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Fumigène | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Rearmod_Smoke 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
système de saut | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Rearmod_Jump 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Grappin | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Rearmod_Hook 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pare-buffle renforcé | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Frontmod_Armor 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pare choc en pike | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Frontmod_Spikes 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pare choc avec scie | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Frontmod_Buzzsaw 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Pare-bœuf | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Frontmod_CowCatcher 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Roues de course | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Wheels_Racer 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Grosses roues style truck | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Wheels_Truck 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Roues standard | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Wheels_Rollcage 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Benne à ciel ouvert plat | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Bed_Racer 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Benne à ciel ouvert | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Bed_Truck 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Benne plate à ciel ouvert avec arceau | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Bed_Rollcage 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Cabine de course | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Cab_Racer 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Cabine de truck | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Cab_Truck 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Cabine standard | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Cab_Rollcage 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Moteur de course | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Engine_Racer 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Moteur de truck | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Engine_Truck 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Moteur standard | Structures | cheat gfi Car_Engine_Rollcage 1 0 0 | ARK: Bob's Tall Tales |
Armadoggo Armure de protection | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanionSaddle_Doggo 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Boîte à munitions | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_AmmoBox 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Sacoche | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_Bag 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Panier pour Chibi | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_ChibiBasket 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Armure supplémentaire | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_ExtraArmor 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Panier de nourriture | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_FoodBasket 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Sac à viande | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_MeatSack 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Pack médical | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_Medkit 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Booster | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_Movespeed 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Réservoir d'oxygène | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_OxygenTank 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Sac de couchage roulé | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_RolledUpSleepingBag 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Pointes | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_Spikes 1 0 0 | ARK |
Armadoggo Lunette espion | Selles et plateformes | cheat gfi DinoCompanion_Gear_Spyglass 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de maraudeur | Skin | cheat gfi bucketface 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de croco | Skin | cheat gfi crocosaurus 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de moto | Skin | cheat gfi motorhead 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de tyran | Skin | cheat gfi warlord 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon de tyran | Skin | cheat gfi warlordpants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants de tyran | Skin | cheat gfi warlordgloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Botte de tyran | Skin | cheat gfi warlordboots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise de tyran | Skin | cheat gfi warlordshirt 1 0 0 | ARK |
Casque de guerrier | Skin | cheat gfi warpig 1 0 0 | ARK |
Pantalon de guerrier | Skin | cheat gfi warpigpants 1 0 0 | ARK |
Gants de guerrier | Skin | cheat gfi warpiggloves 1 0 0 | ARK |
Bottes de guerrier | Skin | cheat gfi warpigboots 1 0 0 | ARK |
Chemise de guerrier | Skin | cheat gfi warpigshirt 1 0 0 | ARK |